Monday, January 18, 2010


18/1/10 GOD IS

Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise Him above you heavenly hosts. Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. God is relentless in pursuing His purposes. He is relentless in pursuing you till He has you for Himself. He is relentless in pursuing His beloved. Destruction and death follow those who pursue evil. He blesses those who pursue Him. Our God protects those who fear Him. Death is just a window into the eternal. Death is not to be feared for it brings forth new life. This life, death cannot destroy any more because this life is hid in God. Why follow the fancy of the world that keeps itself entertained through its sensual pleasures. When those pleasures cease then life comes to a halt. Destruction brings to the know that these pleasures are transitory and will awaken the deeper issues of life. God allows these disturbances in nature so that man will awaken to his fragile state. Only God is real, everything else is maya, an illusion that man holds on to tightly. This illusion is destroyed when destruction enters his world. The illusion of reality crumbles and reality of death comes to the fore. Hopelessness shows its face and helplessness leads to an entrance into the spiritual. The death of the ego awakens the deep and the deep comes forth to touch the infinite. God dwells in infinity and with God all is rest despite the destruction around you. Abide in Him and he will abide in you.

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