Wednesday, January 20, 2010



God will send you the thoughts you need at the time of your need to encourage you. He is always there especially during times of trouble. You can look to Him to send you His thoughts through His Holy Spirit. How exciting to know this and His words will be like manna to you. His words are life and bread to you. Without His word you will starve and die. His words are more precious then food for your soul. Look to Him to give you the words of life. Many perish because they do not feed on His word. They rather have a diet of worms from the world then His word. His words are health and life to your bones. They will inspire and cause you to want more. His words give life and in His life giving words is your source of hope. His word cannot be separated from His life. His words contain life and His life is contained in His words. This is why you need to eat His words and meditate on them till they become like blood and water. Water to refresh and blood to give you life. His words will heal you of all ailments and give you health and vitality. Trust Him with all your heart and He will lead you from victory to victory.

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