Sunday, January 24, 2010


God is in the midst of you and you have nothing to fear. You are in Him and He is in you. You have an assurance that no insurance can provide. This assurance is sure and nothing can take it away from you. His presence in you is the only assurance you need. What else can you add when the Creator of the world has chosen to live in you. Now all you need is in you. His fruits and gifts operate through you. All you need to do is tap into it and they will be manifested. His glory surrounds you like the noon day sun. Even when the clouds come His glory is around you. When you call on Him He will come close to you. His hand will lead you through the maze and bring you to the place of eternal bliss. What is left to do is to shine as His light till all that is of darkness will have to recede and disappear. The light of His presence is what will make the darkness disappear. Come Holy Spirit and shine through me today.

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