Monday, July 05, 2010


Encouraging others on their journey of life is a great way to win friends and influence people. We are all programmed by our past and make choices in the present influenced by our past. To break away from our past is a tall order but is possible. Whatever your past, you can have a new future. When you realise that your choices don’t need to be controlled by your past then change is possible. When you focus on today and see each day as a new day then change is possible. If you see it as a repetition of yesterday then that is what it will be. Change is only possible today. One step in a different direction will change your course. When you choose to think positive rather then negative today, that in itself will change your course. When you choose to love rather then procrastinate and postpone your decision to love, that will change the course. When you choose to fast rather then binge eat or choose to sacrifice a meal, that will change your course. Do something different today and see how you can change old patterns that have become a habit. In this way you renew your mind and with this your feelings. Change is possible when you choose to change.

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