Saturday, July 10, 2010


God has placed you in positions to be watchman. A watchman is a person who looks out for danger signs and prevents a catastrophe. They are men of vision, prophets, seers and leaders. They go before and make sure the path is safe. They look out for enemy attacks and manoeuvre through the maze and prepare the way for the army. Life is a battle and one needs to be prepared to fight the enemy without and within. By looking ahead one is able to strategise for maximum impact. If one just flows with the flow then the flow could take you into the pit. One needs to have a goal and the goal will drive your strategy. Each strategy is developed to achieve the goal. The bigger the goal, the smaller the steps and longer the time, to reach the goal. Expect challenges on the way but never give up on the goal. This is the way to live life. When the set backs come you will never lose heart, because you know that this is part of the course. One keeps the goal in focus and never the set back. Keep your eyes on Jesus the author and finisher of your faith and all set backs will be seen as hump backs to propel you to your goal. Visualising your goal enables all the forces of nature and supernature to come to your aid to achieve your goal. In Him all things work together for good.

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