Friday, September 10, 2010


Many are the ways of man to bring peace but it is only when peace enters the heart that real peace will be possible. Real peace is when the Spirit of the Lord comes and resides in a man’s heart. Jesus promised peace when He said ‘Peace I bring to you, not as the world gives. My peace is eternal and will be with you because I am in you’. Any kind of peace based on human agreement will not last for people keep changing their minds. Real peace is only possible when men’s hearts are at peace. What is reflected in the world is a reflection of man’s state of heart. Where there is turmoil in the heart there will be unrest. Philosophies and beliefs are content issues and therefore divide rather then unite people. Political parties fight over content and therefore can never agree. Real peace is a heart matter and not a content or space matter. Real peace is only possible in Jesus who came to unite the Jew and the Gentile and make peace in one new man.

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