Thursday, September 02, 2010


This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it. Yes the Lord makes everyday and we will rejoice each day for His manifold blessings. The Lord is good and when you venture out in faith, He makes all things new. Today let go of the past and focus on the present. Now is the only time you have to rejoice. The past is a memory, a fiction, a mist, an illusion of the mind. Now is reality and today you can do things to effect change. Involvement is the path to change. When you avoid situations and circumstances then you allow what is, to determine the outcome. When you are involved then you are able to influence the situation through your presence and input. A kind word, gesture or just your presence may influence a good outcome. This is why it is more important to be present then absent. Avoidance does not change things as it only maintains the same. No change occurs when all is the same. The same repeats itself when there is no new input. Change occurs when the circumstances change or when the thinking changes. Change occurs when the players change positions. Any change is better then no change. Change means that there is life and any movement is better then no movement. Therefore today be an agent of change for good.

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