Wednesday, September 08, 2010


Confusion reigns in the land. When morals slide then the people will do as they please. This is repeated in history from the days of Israel in the wilderness. A nation will reap what it sows. A divided government will not be able to withstand the pressures of the day because division undermines the power base. Authority and power have to go together. One may have authority but no power. You need power to execute. Authority alone does not give you the power to execute. This is why many organisations fail to execute because their power base has been cut. You need power to light a house. Just having the house wired does not produce light. Therefore you can have a government but if it lacks power to rule then it will not be able to rule. This is the present state of this nation. You have a government that is divided and will not be able to rule because it is divided. What a state of affairs and this does not bode well for the nation. Divide and rule is a state that enables the rebels to take hostage a nation. Unity is the only way to rule. There is power released through unity. This is why families are divided because there is no unity. One can stand any change when one is united. Therefore this is a key value to uphold at all times if you want to move forward.

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