Monday, September 27, 2010


The mind is like a weapon that never sleeps. It is on guard all the time for internal and external threats. It never sleeps as sleeping is like allowing the enemy to infiltrate. The mind will find problems to solve and sometimes creates problems when there are none. Its constant activity keeps it awake. This is why it is so difficult not to think and be present. The mind does not like to be ignored. It is part of your ego. Not to think is like annihilation. This is to be nothing. Take away this faculty and you loose your identity. Your identity is very closely related to your thinking mind. What you think is closely related to your beliefs and motivations. Your predominant mode of thinking determines the outcomes of your life. Problem solving is good but life is not just about solving problems. Life is also about being and feeling and experiencing. Too much thinking leads to a world of facts and information and not much of feeling and experiencing. You could lose out on experiencing by thinking too much. Some are wired this way and find no enjoyment in experiencing life other then through thinking. Others on the other hand like to feel and experience and do not think much. They operate by feeling and are tuned to others at a feeling level. They love people and like to mix with people. They love to touch and feel. Their world is filled with images, art and creativity. Thinking is not bad but it is at the expense of other experiences. A balance in these areas is what gives life its colour and excitement.

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