Thursday, September 30, 2010


The ego is the collection of thoughts, feelings and experiences of a life time. The ego does not exist in isolation. It is part of your being. You cannot separate your ego from your being. When you do so then you treat your ego as an entity that can be displaced. This is the flaw in Eckart Tolle’s thinking. However Jesus said that we should deny our self and take up our cross. . This means that we need to deny our fallen desires and wishes that go against the counsel of God. To deny one self is to deny the self-will, that desires to push its agenda and not follow God. How can you serve God and Mammon? Either you serve God or Mammon. Mammon is that self that seeks to serve itself or the devil. Self seeks to serve itself or the devil. Therefore it needs to be denied its wishes so that God’s will can be done. Jesus had to deny Himself and go through the pain of the Cross. It was not His will but His Father’s will and he prayed, ‘Thy will be done’. How do you deny yourself? This is only possible through the power of the Cross. Apply the Cross to your self and you will find that your desires lose their power over you. If it is lust then that power is cancelled. If it is pride then that power is cancelled. The Cross is the only power that can cancel the power of the flesh and the devil. This is why Jesus had to die and it is in His death and resurrection that the power of the Cross is realised. Now by faith I can tap into this power and be free.

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