Sunday, September 18, 2011


The Lord is good and He will come to you when you least expect Him. Never be guided by your feelings for they change like the weather. In Him you are safe and secure and nothing within or without can change this. He is there and He will speak to you and comfort you. What or who can replace Him? Nothing or no one can replace Him. He is always with you even when the storm clouds come. He just wants you to be His witness. He will reveal to you His plans in due time. In the meanwhile just learn to rest and enjoy the journey. Don't confuse your goals with His goals. Your goals sometimes are ego led and not God led. Ego led goals serve to promote you and your agenda. Think about this: what can you do that He has not done already? He has done everything that needs to be done for your salvation. Now all you need to do is to be a witness of His great work. To be a witness is to be His hands and feet where He has placed you. This does not take brilliance because He has equipped you with all you need to be His witness. Share His work in your life and see Him come through each time you do so. Trust in His supernatural power and you will be able to do anything. It is relationship with Him that will result in power with Him to do exploits for Him.

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