Sunday, September 25, 2011


In each of us are different persons that dwell within. Each has a personality and out of each emanate thoughts, feelings and behaviors. The predominant personality usually operates and dictates how you will conduct yourself. In crisis especially it is the main personality that operates and controls your behavior. Many are able to show forth their good selves in controlled settings. Away from those settings the more dominant parts of you operate. The degree to which you can hide your real self is dependent on how sophisticated you are in hiding. People play different roles and these roles demand certain behaviors. Some are easy to play because they are congruent with who you are. Others are more difficult. It may be easy to be a boss but not a husband. Being aware of the different personalities within you will enable you to shift and not be pulled down by the negative personalities within you. In Jesus all these personalities are under His control. You can shift easily to Him when you call out His Name. You have been saved from yourself through Him. He comes and takes residence in your heart. When you give in to any of these other personalities within you then they will take over. The depressive takes over when you feel depressed. The worrier takes over when you are worried. The tormenter takes over when you feel persecuted and so on. Surrender to Jesus and He will take over and subdue your other personalities. When the Holy Spirit possesses you then He will be in charge all the time. Any shift will be quickly subdued by Him. The only safe place to be is in Him who abides in you. Abide in Him and He will abide in you.

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