Friday, September 16, 2011


Communion with the Father is the only way to maintain a close walk with Him. He is always there but your thoughts wander to other spheres. God is good and He will always come through for you. You expect a revival and you will have one because you asked your Father for it. Prepare for a revival. Remember there is a responsibility to not only usher in a revival but to maintain it. A revival will bring change and this change may not be comfortable. Any change will cause a disruption to your thoughts and feelings. Embrace these changes for they will keep you alive. The dead boredom of routine is what kills people. Change is good because it will keep you alert and embrace change like a good thing. When you are positive about change then the change becomes a friend and not a foe. Your life is hid in Him and therefore He is in the change with you. He will change you to be like Him. If you refuse to change then you will remain stagnant and go stale. Watch out for this for this is bad. Stale water never produces life that is fresh and vital. Fresh water energizes and refreshes. Therefore seek to be fresh each day as you feed on His fresh manna daily.

1 comment:

Milo said...

This is so true. My Christian life in the past five years has been so full of changes. Learning to embrace the change and praying to Lord to reveal himself to me each and every single day. He is the one and only truth, providing strength for each and every single day. I would not exchange a minute of this with my entire thirty years on this earth as a non-Christian.
Thank you for such beautiful words. God bless you.