Thursday, September 08, 2011


God is good and He answers your prayers in His time. His timing is the best for He knows when it is right. All you need to do is pray and wait. It is His cause you are fighting for. He will reveal His purpose in His time. Your time is now but God's time is eternity. This is why you need to live in the now but have an eternal perspective. In this way you can live fully now with an eternal perspective. God loves a man who can trust in Him fully. No doubts, just trust. This is the way to move forward in faith. He allows you to experience Him in different ways. He will provide you with the wisdom to know and to do. He will direct your paths and in Him all things work together for good. The good and the bad experiences will be brought together in Him. In this way He is in control of all things. He created the world with all things. Sin entered and messed up things but He is still in control. Therefore be true to what you believe. There is no right or wrong in Him for He is all right. Therefore in Him when you walk in the Spirit all is right. You have peace of mind and your heart is in all that you do. This is the way to live and be fruitful. No more agitating about what could be. All is as is because He is.Now go and multiply and be fruitful.


Milo said...

the most beautiful words I could ever find comfort in. Praise the Lord for His presence in this blog through your words. thank you and God bless you John.

jeshua said...

Thanks Milo