Monday, February 28, 2011


How good is the Lord who has called you to His place of joy. In the Lord you can rejoice at all times because He is with you at all times. Whatever you go through is nothing compared to what He went through. How good it is to know that He is going through with you what you are going through. He is Lord of all. Now check your thoughts. Are they in line with His? If not step back and realign yourself with Him. He appoints the times and seasons. Yes despite all the calamity around you, you can be sure of His presence with you. He is God of the now. The devil will try and distract you but you must fix your eyes on Jesus. He will give you new thoughts that will cancel the old thoughts. What a Mighty God we serve. Without Him there is nothing worth living for. Only in Him do you have life and that abundant. In Him all things hold together. Therefore trust Him to hold you together. Blessed is the Name of the Lord forever.


Sunday, February 27, 2011


Praise God who makes all things to come to pass. He is above all and in all. He is the great I AM. He comes in whispers to you, whispering words of encouragement. The devil is the accuser and you know him who accuses the brethren day and night. His accusing tongue is sent to break you down and not to build you up. Only His encouraging words can defeat the accuser. He hates the people of the Lord because they stand for the light. The darkness covers the earth but He is there in the darkness. God is at work through the darkness of earthquakes and cyclones. These winds have come to cause the earth to shake up all that needs to be shaken. In the shaking comes the reviving. Many have settled into a state of unconsciousness to the darkness that infiltrates the earth. Now the shaking will shake all this and wake people up to the reality of life, death. Death is a dark force that will cause people to lose hope but in this comes His word to bring hope and life. Jesus had to die before He could bring life. People reject death because they have been lulled into a sense of oblivion. He is lost in his own world until he is awakened to see the real. In Jesus death has lost its sting.

Saturday, February 26, 2011


Follow Jesus and He will bring you to the place of everlasting joy. He is in you and with you to bring you to the place of victory. This victory is in Christ. This is your holy calling. You have been separated for this purpose. He is alive in you. Jesus is alive and He is working through you. When you walk in consciousness of his presence in you then you become filled with His Spirit. His Spirit in you then thinks feels and speaks through you. You become like Him in your walk and your talk. This is what it means to be filled to overflowing. This is your calling and mission, to be light and salt in the world. All your inhibitions will melt away in His presence. Boldness will fill you and you will be like a lion with no fear of the enemy. Be filled now and be alert for the enemy of your soul desires to trip you up. He is the One who goes before you and therefore you have nothing to fear.

Friday, February 25, 2011


The Lord is good and His mercies abound for generations. He is the Lord of all but few realise this. Because of this the people go their own way and worship other gods. Other gods are demonic entities that are sent by the enemy to deceive us and keep us from recognising Him as Lord. God is redeeming the nations of the world as His people reach out to others with His good news. It’s like scales dropping off blind eyes. Therefore keep sowing and never relent till the last soul on earth is redeemed. Keep your eyes on Jesus and you will never lose your way. This is the message of redemption that people need to hear. The issues of their soul have blinded them from entering into the promised land. Once they are freed from their entrapped soul then they will see and be set free. Love is the nourishment for the soul. Once the soul can receive love then it will soften and defences will drop and light will come through. The darkened soul is vulnerable to all kinds of illnesses. Therefore let His love penetrate the darkness of your soul and be free.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Blessed is he who trusts in the Lord and not in his own strength. The Lord is my strength and my life and I will trust in Him. He will lead me and guide me all the days of my life. He is my Rock and my Shelter in the day of trouble. Blessed be the Lord who beckons me and consoles me. He gives me all I need for a full and bright life. In Him I am content to be who I am. I have been called to serve Him and He gives me His heart to love others. I am nothing and He is everything. In Him I am made whole. Blessed is all who follow Him and look to Him. In these days of strife our only refuge is the Lord. When I trust in Him then all my fears will melt away. In Him alone will I trust and in Him alone is my salvation. I will rejoice in the Lord and in Him alone will I be content to be. Praise the Lord from whom all blessings flow.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Man is alone without God. God is in the business of saving His people from the rot of the world. The world is lost without Him. He is the Creator of the world and without Him everything is meaningless. It is God who appoints and he decides the dates and the seasons. He is above all and in Him all things hold together. Earthquakes will come and go and so will cyclones but He holds the future in His hands, regimes will come and go but He is the final authority. How wonderful it is to be in the hands of God who holds all things together. This is the security you need more then anything else. There is no security in anything else. When you have Him you have everything you need for life. All your diseases are consumed in Him. All your lack is made up with His abundance.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Blessed be the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. What is this sin? The sin of rebellion. Rebellion entered the heart of man when Adam decided to disobey God. God allowed man the freedom to make choices but at a price. Freedom and responsibility are two sides of the same coin. Love and justice are two sides of the same coin. Love without justice will lead to anarchy. Justice proves that love is real. Yet God made a way for man to reverse this rebellion in Christ. This is the beauty of the gospel. God knew how man would go his own way and was ready with a remedy. This is how He works who knows the end from the beginning. In Him is life and that eternal. You have the power of an eternal life flowing through you to help you be what God has ordained. Now go out in this faith and be released into his abundance.

Monday, February 21, 2011


The presence of the Lord brings light and peace and joy. His light shines in the darkness and mans eyes are opened to see the light. Man walks in darkness till the light dawns on him. You are the light of the world because you carry His light in you. He is the light of the world that came into the world but the world did not receive Him. Now you carry His light and through you many will see the light and be redeemed. The light of His presence moves with you. Light attracts. Therefore when you see people attracted to you realise they’re attracted to the light in you. Let His light shine brightly through you so that many will see, touch and feel His light. You are His representative on earth as He was when He walked on earth. You are His light and so make sure you shine brightly for Him. There is nothing else for you to do but to shine as His light. When His light shines then all demonic forces that bind and blind people will have to retreat. When Christians realise this then a revolution will occur. People fell under the power of God when Peter walked on earth. Many were healed by his shadow. Imagine that happening with you. It is possible as you allow His light to shine. His light piercing the darkness and healing the world, this is the mission of the church.

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Praise God from whom all goodness comes. Praise him you heavenly hosts. Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. He is God and there is no other. He deserves all praise and worship because He is the only true God. In Him all things are and in Him all things have their being. I will praise Him all the days of my life. In His courts will I remain and in Him I have all I need. Blessed be the Name of Jesus who came to give us the connection back to the Father. The Father Son and Holy Spirit work together to bring about His salvation. In Him all things work together for good. His word is a light unto my path and a guide for my foot steps. In Him I can rejoice at all times because He makes me triumph at all times. He knows the end from the beginning and in Him I can rest content. Hallelujah for He makes all things new. Each new day He gives fresh manna for His children to feed on. His word is refreshing to the soul and the body. His mighty works can be seen in His creation and in your life and in the life of others. This is the God you worship, the Creator of the world. Therefore today you can trust in Him and believe in His grace to come through for you at all times.

Saturday, February 19, 2011


My mission is to wreck the devil’s plans and to usher in God’s Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. The devil is reaping souls into his kingdom because he wants to take as many to hell as he can. He is in a war with the people of God’s Kingdom as he lost out when he rebelled against God. God knows his plans because He is all knowing. The devil does not know anything else but his destiny in hell. He will however disturb God’s own as a way to get back at God. He thought he had killed off the only Son of God at Calvary only to find out that he was wrecked by His death. This is how foolish the devil is. All who follow him will have a similar end. This is the end of time as we know it and this is the hour that multitudes will enter His Kingdom. Just as what is happening in the Middle East as kingdoms there fall so also the kingdom of the devil will be decimated. The hour of his reckoning is near. Come now and be bold and enter into the fray and be blessed.


Friday, February 18, 2011


The Lord is my Keeper and He is my refuge in the time of storms. He enfolds me and keeps me singing through the storm. Many are the storms in life but the Lord is in them all. I am safe and secure in Him. I will trust in Him and He will give me the strength I need to follow Him. There is no death in Him. He gives me eternal life and in Him I am secure. How good it is to trust in the Lord and not in my own strength. He gives me the knowledge and wisdom I need when I need it. He supplies all my needs. Goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life. I will rejoice in the Lord. I lack nothing in the Lord. He fills me up and my cup overflows.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


How good it is to know that it is His righteousness that makes me acceptable in God’s sight. This is a marvellous plan of redemption and I am accepted in Him. Jesus sacrifice on the Cross is the only way to heaven. This the world needs to know now. There is no other way. Man builds his own theology but this can never suffice for redemption. He is the only sufficient sacrifice and in Him I am made whole. I am whole in Him. This is a present fact and not just a hope. If His righteousness is imputed on me by grace then I have nothing to do to achieve this. All I have to do is let go and let God do His work in me. Thankyou Father for your marvellous Son in whom I am made whole.


Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Forever the same and never changing but always available, this is my God, my Saviour, Jesus. He is everything to me and now He saves me to be like Him. He changes me and conforms me into His image. I owe all to Him. He has been there from the beginning. He knows all my weaknesses and still loves me. He knows when I am up and when I am down. He loves me so much. Now what can I do but share of His wondrous love. He is what man needs and He is available to all. God has called you to walk by faith. Now each moment is so precious for walking in faith is to walk in high expectation of the unknown. Many think they know what they are doing but fool themselves into this state of delusion. None of us are in control of anything. Everything happens for a purpose and no amount of planning can change that. Therefore live like it is your last day for you never know what lies ahead. However you know who holds the future and life is worth the living because He lives.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


How good it is to stir one another up to perfection. Perfect love does not focus on the weakness of the other person but his strength. When you love yourself then you will see others as lovable. When you hate yourself then you will look for reasons to hate others. All we see is a reflection of how we see ourselves. We see others from our perspective. When you are able to see others as they see themselves then a paradigm shift occurs. When others yell at you or are nasty to you they display how they are feeling about themselves. You happen to be the sounding board for the other person. So don’t take it personally. This is why community is so important. In community one is able to take the good and the bad. There is balance in community. When you are on your own, then the only perspective you have is one, yours. When in community you can see from multiple perspectives and this then enables you to see a situation in a whole different and maybe more realistic light. This is why it is good to consult with many and create a balanced view. This may sound tedious but it is in this process that a project is refined and all the nuts and bolts are well screwed on for success. When dictators rule, they rule through force of personality or fear and loose the perspective of the common man.

Monday, February 14, 2011


In His presence is everlasting joy. He is in you so that He can be with you all the time. Sin will not block Him out. Sin just dethrones Him from His position of Lord. His Holy Spirit is still in the background working to bring the light. His cleansing blood washes you clean and therefore sin cannot have a hold on you. He will shine His light into the dark spaces so that you can walk in the light as He is in the light. Yesterday was a first step in knowing how He will speak through you when you are prepared to launch out in faith and open your mouth. He said He will fill it. You won’t speak out of your mind but through your spirit. Now this is like power steering living. His power is released through you and you begin to operate through Him. His wisdom and knowledge will flow through you. You are no more boxed in by your mind but free through His Spirit. Fear has kept you boxed in. Now is the time to leave fear behind and move out in faith. Boldness will come upon you and you will move out in anointing power.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Merciful is the Lord and those who call on Him will be saved. Many are blinded by their own vision which is earthly and limited. A Godly vision looks beyond itself and trusts God then man. What is around you will change and is changeable. God never changes because He is God. He knows what is perfect and right and in Him there is no change. If God changes His mind it is because He is merciful. The truth never changes. Facts may change but the truth is eternal. God is love, is the truth. You may suffer consequences for your actions but that never changes the fact that God is love. He remains firm and solid to the end. The character of God is backed by this truth that He never changes. In Him I have a solid foundation. In Him I am loved and my eternal destiny is secure. I will abandon all for Him, for He is my all. There is nothing in me that I desire more then Him. He is my Alpha and Omega and in Him I am complete. I am therefore I will be who God has called me to be. I am free to be who I am and therefore am able to be who I am in Him. This is the truth and this is possible only because He lives in me. My responses are His responses. In this I rejoice for I have chosen to let Him rule and reign through me. He gives me the desires and appoints my days and in Him I am complete. Hallelujah, praise the Lord. Nothing in this life do I desire more then Him.

Friday, February 11, 2011


Presence power is the power of His anointing presence in you. When you are present in the Lord, then power flows through you to touch others. This is to walk in the present in His presence. When you are not present now then you are absent and so can’t minister in His presence power. It is so important to be present and this means being aware of your present moment. This moment is all you have. What you do with this moment will determine your walk and your talk. Many walk in the past or their imagined future. This is vain and just an illusion. The present is the only reality you have and know. Nothing else matters. What you have and own mean nothing if you can’t enjoy your present moment. Most mental illness is due to loss of present living. Most are caught up in their own vain imaginations that they don’t have time to enjoy the present moment. The devil insinuates his thoughts and feelings and you get unconscious of the present. This is the sure way to waste your years and waste your life. Come to the present and invite His presence to fill you and live life to the full. Enjoy all that you do this moment and be connected. Don’t live in your mind but live in the present moment. What a difference it will make to your walk and talk as you release your self from your self made prison of vain imaginations.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news of deliverance and set the captives free. Your anointing is related to your gifting. Your anointing is needed for ministry. When you reach out to minister in Jesus Name then He will provide the anointing for the task. If it is for healing, then healing power will flow through you. If it is for preaching, then preaching power will flow through you. The anointing power of God is no respecter of persons. It flows through faith in His ability to flow through you. Therefore believe and expect Him to work through you at all times. In this way work becomes a pleasure and not a chore. When a chore becomes a pleasure then life becomes an adventure. God will provide and arrange your circumstances in such a way that you will marvel at His wisdom. Therefore rest and pray much in tongues. In this way you will confuse the enemy and He will pray through you. Let prayer become an automatic response in your life and you will find a new energy and power that will move mountains of despair and trouble.

Wednesday, February 09, 2011


The Lord is a great provider. He provides to those who seek His provision. He is a God of abundance. In Him are unlimited supplies of everything for every need. Therefore empty yourself and be filled with His Spirit. His Spirit is able to transcend time and space. He is above all and therefore knows the end from the beginning. He knows what is good for you. He will supply what you need when you need it. He is always with you. Remain tuned into Him and you will always know His presence. His presence is like being in a tranquil place where you are safe despite the chaos around you. He will provide you with the wisdom you need. Just as Daniel knew what to do, so you also will know what to do. Do not give into your flesh which will demand attention. He is all you need and it is more important to hear His well pleasing word then your own flesh. Walk as if there is no tomorrow. Today live life to the full. This is the day the Lord has made so rejoice and be glad in it. What a God we have and what a time to rejoice despite all the calamity around you. Praise God who comes to save and to restore. He is coming back soon and this is the time to give up all things for His cause. Pray for souls to be saved daily and you will become rich in faith.

Friday, February 04, 2011


Hope is a powerful word that brings joy to those who depend on it. Hope in God is a powerful source of strength for those who trust in Him. Hope is a fruit of the Spirit like love and faith. Without hope there is nothing to look forward to. In the Spirit you can hope for things to change. Hope affects all areas of your life. Your physical body responds to hope as does your soul and your spirit. Therefore never give up for the promises of God will come to pass as you put your hope in them. This hope is not an empty hope but a hope based on the completed work of Christ on the Cross. Therefore believe and let His promises come to pass as you hope in Him.

Wednesday, February 02, 2011


Happy is the man who trusts in the Lord. He will be like a barn filled with good things. He will not lack anything and will be like a fountain giving forth fresh water. The fresh water is available to all and is given freely to all who seek for it. This water is filled with goodness and refreshing to the soul. The soul thirsts for living water and Jesus said He gives living water. Come my soul and drink of the living water. His word is like water to my soul. Water to the body is like the word to the soul. His living words will encourage you and give you peace. How much the world needs His peace. Peace like a river will flood my soul.

Tuesday, February 01, 2011


Focus is important to achieve break throughs in any area of life. Without a goal you will wander in circles. This is why having a goal is important as it will help you focus. It is like your eyesight which needs a goal to focus on. The clearer the goal the sharper the image. Therefore learn to focus on whatever you are doing now. In this way you train your brain to remain sharp. Attention is required for focus.