Saturday, February 19, 2011


My mission is to wreck the devil’s plans and to usher in God’s Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. The devil is reaping souls into his kingdom because he wants to take as many to hell as he can. He is in a war with the people of God’s Kingdom as he lost out when he rebelled against God. God knows his plans because He is all knowing. The devil does not know anything else but his destiny in hell. He will however disturb God’s own as a way to get back at God. He thought he had killed off the only Son of God at Calvary only to find out that he was wrecked by His death. This is how foolish the devil is. All who follow him will have a similar end. This is the end of time as we know it and this is the hour that multitudes will enter His Kingdom. Just as what is happening in the Middle East as kingdoms there fall so also the kingdom of the devil will be decimated. The hour of his reckoning is near. Come now and be bold and enter into the fray and be blessed.


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