Monday, February 14, 2011


In His presence is everlasting joy. He is in you so that He can be with you all the time. Sin will not block Him out. Sin just dethrones Him from His position of Lord. His Holy Spirit is still in the background working to bring the light. His cleansing blood washes you clean and therefore sin cannot have a hold on you. He will shine His light into the dark spaces so that you can walk in the light as He is in the light. Yesterday was a first step in knowing how He will speak through you when you are prepared to launch out in faith and open your mouth. He said He will fill it. You won’t speak out of your mind but through your spirit. Now this is like power steering living. His power is released through you and you begin to operate through Him. His wisdom and knowledge will flow through you. You are no more boxed in by your mind but free through His Spirit. Fear has kept you boxed in. Now is the time to leave fear behind and move out in faith. Boldness will come upon you and you will move out in anointing power.

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