Sunday, February 13, 2011


Merciful is the Lord and those who call on Him will be saved. Many are blinded by their own vision which is earthly and limited. A Godly vision looks beyond itself and trusts God then man. What is around you will change and is changeable. God never changes because He is God. He knows what is perfect and right and in Him there is no change. If God changes His mind it is because He is merciful. The truth never changes. Facts may change but the truth is eternal. God is love, is the truth. You may suffer consequences for your actions but that never changes the fact that God is love. He remains firm and solid to the end. The character of God is backed by this truth that He never changes. In Him I have a solid foundation. In Him I am loved and my eternal destiny is secure. I will abandon all for Him, for He is my all. There is nothing in me that I desire more then Him. He is my Alpha and Omega and in Him I am complete. I am therefore I will be who God has called me to be. I am free to be who I am and therefore am able to be who I am in Him. This is the truth and this is possible only because He lives in me. My responses are His responses. In this I rejoice for I have chosen to let Him rule and reign through me. He gives me the desires and appoints my days and in Him I am complete. Hallelujah, praise the Lord. Nothing in this life do I desire more then Him.

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