Monday, February 21, 2011


The presence of the Lord brings light and peace and joy. His light shines in the darkness and mans eyes are opened to see the light. Man walks in darkness till the light dawns on him. You are the light of the world because you carry His light in you. He is the light of the world that came into the world but the world did not receive Him. Now you carry His light and through you many will see the light and be redeemed. The light of His presence moves with you. Light attracts. Therefore when you see people attracted to you realise they’re attracted to the light in you. Let His light shine brightly through you so that many will see, touch and feel His light. You are His representative on earth as He was when He walked on earth. You are His light and so make sure you shine brightly for Him. There is nothing else for you to do but to shine as His light. When His light shines then all demonic forces that bind and blind people will have to retreat. When Christians realise this then a revolution will occur. People fell under the power of God when Peter walked on earth. Many were healed by his shadow. Imagine that happening with you. It is possible as you allow His light to shine. His light piercing the darkness and healing the world, this is the mission of the church.

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