Friday, February 25, 2011


The Lord is good and His mercies abound for generations. He is the Lord of all but few realise this. Because of this the people go their own way and worship other gods. Other gods are demonic entities that are sent by the enemy to deceive us and keep us from recognising Him as Lord. God is redeeming the nations of the world as His people reach out to others with His good news. It’s like scales dropping off blind eyes. Therefore keep sowing and never relent till the last soul on earth is redeemed. Keep your eyes on Jesus and you will never lose your way. This is the message of redemption that people need to hear. The issues of their soul have blinded them from entering into the promised land. Once they are freed from their entrapped soul then they will see and be set free. Love is the nourishment for the soul. Once the soul can receive love then it will soften and defences will drop and light will come through. The darkened soul is vulnerable to all kinds of illnesses. Therefore let His love penetrate the darkness of your soul and be free.

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