Wednesday, February 09, 2011


The Lord is a great provider. He provides to those who seek His provision. He is a God of abundance. In Him are unlimited supplies of everything for every need. Therefore empty yourself and be filled with His Spirit. His Spirit is able to transcend time and space. He is above all and therefore knows the end from the beginning. He knows what is good for you. He will supply what you need when you need it. He is always with you. Remain tuned into Him and you will always know His presence. His presence is like being in a tranquil place where you are safe despite the chaos around you. He will provide you with the wisdom you need. Just as Daniel knew what to do, so you also will know what to do. Do not give into your flesh which will demand attention. He is all you need and it is more important to hear His well pleasing word then your own flesh. Walk as if there is no tomorrow. Today live life to the full. This is the day the Lord has made so rejoice and be glad in it. What a God we have and what a time to rejoice despite all the calamity around you. Praise God who comes to save and to restore. He is coming back soon and this is the time to give up all things for His cause. Pray for souls to be saved daily and you will become rich in faith.

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