Sunday, February 27, 2011


Praise God who makes all things to come to pass. He is above all and in all. He is the great I AM. He comes in whispers to you, whispering words of encouragement. The devil is the accuser and you know him who accuses the brethren day and night. His accusing tongue is sent to break you down and not to build you up. Only His encouraging words can defeat the accuser. He hates the people of the Lord because they stand for the light. The darkness covers the earth but He is there in the darkness. God is at work through the darkness of earthquakes and cyclones. These winds have come to cause the earth to shake up all that needs to be shaken. In the shaking comes the reviving. Many have settled into a state of unconsciousness to the darkness that infiltrates the earth. Now the shaking will shake all this and wake people up to the reality of life, death. Death is a dark force that will cause people to lose hope but in this comes His word to bring hope and life. Jesus had to die before He could bring life. People reject death because they have been lulled into a sense of oblivion. He is lost in his own world until he is awakened to see the real. In Jesus death has lost its sting.

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