Sunday, October 09, 2011


Blessed is the Lord who gives me the courage to do what He has called me to do. He is my Father and my friend and in Him I am secure from the attacks of the devil. He is the One who saves me and keeps me sane. He loves me so and He wants the best for me. All my weaknesses I surrender to Him for He is my righteousness. In Him I will rejoice and be glad. He cleanses me and assures me of salvation from all evil. How good is He that He has called me to serve in His Kingdom. His Kingdom is light and life and in Him there is no darkness. He fills me with light. When fear comes in He comes in to drive fear out. His love sustains me. Many are the trials and temptations but the Lord is the keeper of my soul. Come holy Spirit and fill me till I am filled with only you. How good it is to live in the land of the righteous. He is my righteousness and Him I am glad.

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