Sunday, October 23, 2011


It is your ego that you need to offer up as a living sacrifice to God. See yourself on the altar of sacrifice and see the fire burn up your ego. Now your spirit is free from the selfish inclination of the ego. The ego is self centric while the spirit is Christocentric. In Christ you have been crucified. You now live by faith in Him who loves you and gave Himself up for you. In Christ you are a new creature who has the same spirit as Christ. Christ in you is your only hope of glory. Therefore meditate on Christ in you and do not be distracted by the slavish tendencies of your flesh. Your flesh is buried with Christ. Your spirit is raised with Christ. You are now seated in heavenly places with Christ. This is your calling and destiny. In Him you are one with the spirit. In the spirit you are free to be. Nothing can come against you and flourish. You are protected by the hand of the great I Am. Praise God that you are able to overcome in the spirit. In the flesh it is all doom and gloom but in the spirit it is all glorious.

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