Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Being Christ is a tall order but possible only in the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is given to us so that we can be Christ to others. Without Him it is impossible to walk the way of the Cross. Jesus knew this and this is why He came and died for sin that I maybe delivered fro it. Now He has risen and ascended into heaven so that He could send His Spirit to dwell in me and live His life through me. This is a high calling but possible. I am nothing so that He can be everything. He will fill you and possess you when you surrender all to Him. There is no easy way. The way of the Cross is death to self. Death to self is death to your ego. Death to your ego is salvation from self to receive the fullness of His Spirit. This is why Jesus said, Take up your Cross and follow me. Your Cross is death to your ego. Wow.

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