Friday, October 14, 2011


In the Spirit I have a new mind and it is through this new mind that I will see the world like God sees it. A person taken up with his own ego will only see through his lenses. He cannot be objective because his mind is closed to the views and perceptions of others and of the Spirit. A spirit filled person operates from another realm. This is why you need to be filled always and walk live in the Spirit and walk by the Spirit. This will keep you present and conscious of the moment rather then be lost in the past or the future. The past and the future you release to Him who is in control of both and live in the present moment. You can plan for the future but only God knows what is in the future. You can live in the fantasy of what may happen. Funny how when things happen they appear different to what you thought would happen. Yet we humans think that we know and never learn from experience. It is best to walk by faith for this is what strengthens your faith. Sight requires no faith. Faith walks sightless because it depends on God. This is what releases God's goodness and favor. When we walk in the light as He is in the light then the blood of Jesus cleanses us continuously from all sin. Sin keeps us from God. His light keeps us from sin. Hallelujah.

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