Thursday, October 13, 2011


The blood of Jesus is the most powerful agent for cleansing of sin. His blood is living because He rose from the dead. He had to shed His blood because this is the only way for sin to be cleansed. Animal sacrifices could not do it. It had to be human and divine blood for cleansing on earth and in heaven. This dual cleansing enables God to be free from the influence of sin both in heaven and earth. This has restored the communion between God and man. What a wonderful way to be free from the power of sin. This is what will set the captive free as the blood is no respecter of persons. Everyone can avail of the cleansing who will claim its cleansing power by faith. Just believe and receive and be washed clean. There is nothing more that is required. Imagine your whole being, body,mind and spirit being cleansed in the blood. This is the simple message of the Cross. This is what drove missions into the darkest lands and brought deliverance to millions. It is still the only way of salvation.

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