Monday, October 03, 2011


The devil is unhappy when you are devoted to his enemy, Jesus Christ. He will come as a roaring lion to frighten you and instill fear in you. He will give you all kinds of negative thoughts to scare you. However Jesus the Lion of judah is greater then him. He can make a loud noise like a lion but it is only noise. The Lion of Judah has your life in His hands. No one can touch you and your destiny is secure in Him. Many walked the lonely path of Christ and were comforted by His Spirit. The broad way leads to destruction therefore choose the narrow way and live. Jesus is beside you and will comfort you. Never fear for He works through His Spirit. Just as He has done so in the past He will do again. Look at each crisis as a turning point to victory. A stalemate is a staus quo position and no one moves. A crisis on the other hand disrupts the status quo and movement occurs. Therefore rejoice that the Lord is at work and pray for protection from the enemy who works in darkness and in him is no light.

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