Tuesday, October 04, 2011


How good to know that the spirit man is unperturbed during times of turmoil. He is fixed in his position and does not change like the ego does. When the ego is threatened it goes into defensive position. The spirit goes into offensive position and fights the battles in the spirit. The spirit man is at peace because its mind is stayed on Christ. It is Christ who holds him during strive. He is calm and collected because he knows who holds his hand. This is why it is so important to remain in the spirit and let the ego die a death that will enable the spirit to have full sway. In all our battles the ego will try and twist and turn and preserve itself. Christ's way is death to the ego so that the spirit can be free from its lusts and desires. How good it is to experience the peace in the spirit during times of turmoil. This is a work of God and through His Spirit He will overcome. You will be in a stronger place after every battle and you will know what it means to be more then a conqueror.

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