Tuesday, August 31, 2010


What does it mean to be dead in Christ? To be dead means there is no response to the lusts and desires of the flesh. The flesh stands for the desires of the body and the soul. I am dead in Christ, nevertheless I live, yet not I but Christ lives in me. The flesh is very much alive even though I reckon it dead. This is why we need to walk in faith all the time and reckon myself dead and alive in Christ. This is the state of consciousness in Christ that frees us from past programming and the power of sin. Consciousness delivers from the unconscious drives of the flesh life. The flesh seeks for itself and therefore will not be conscious of Christ in me. I become conscious of Christ in me when I surrender to His Spirit within me. By faith I now operate in the consciousness of His Spirit in me. This consciousness then makes me alive to His gifts and fruits in me. I can now operate in His gifts by faith. Whatever is not done in faith is sin. If I am not walking in faith then I am walking in the flesh. Faith is the air I breathe and by faith I walk to bring the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven. I bind the forces of evil and release the Spirit of love and grace and mercy and liberate the captives. This is my mission, this is my calling.

Monday, August 30, 2010


For the Lord is Mighty and His right hand holds you. He is your rear guard and van guard. He surrounds you with His angels and guards your foot steps so that you don’t trip and fall. How good is the Lord that He protects His own. Even in times of danger He is with you. Death is just a window to another stage of life. In God there is no death, only life. This body is just housing for your spirit and soul. It will age and decay and will suffer pain. But your soul will get stronger and stronger. It is your soul that finally finds rest in Him. Your body will be transformed just as Jesus was transformed when He rose from the dead. You new body will be free from the burdens of sickness and disease. Yes you will finally be totally free and can be anywhere at anytime. No need for jet planes or transportation of any kind. What a life, what a destiny. Who would want to be limited by this body then? Yes those who have tasted heaven will never want to return to this life again with all its trials and limitations. You can now experience something of the life to come when you graduate from this life. In the Spirit you can taste some of this. This is why you need to be filled in the Spirit daily to experience this new life. The Spirit lives in you and will work through you. Come Holy Spirit and fill me now.

Sunday, August 29, 2010


The impossible is made possible in Him. When you have Him in your life then anything is possible. This is the hope we have, that Christ in me is my hope of glory. He lives and therefore I have hope for tomorrow. Tomorrow can bring a new thing on the scene which can change everything. The change in me is the change that will change the world. I change and will see the world differently. Nothing changes without me changing. Therefore I am the author of change. What happens to me is not as important as what happens in me. My perceptions ultimately determine the outcome. If I see things as negative then I will produce negative outcomes. If I see things as positive then I will bring positive outcomes. This is why Jesus said if you tell this mountain to move, it will move. You have power within to move mountains. When you know that He lives in you, then you will see through His eyes. This is why you need to separate yourself from your natural history and begin to see yourself as a new creation in Christ. In Him you are writing a new story each day and wiping out the old story. Those who hold on to the old story will be limited in their vision. A limited vision will only produce a limited future. Now see yourself as a new creature in Christ and see how your today becomes a new story.

Saturday, August 28, 2010


The Lord is God and there is no one who knows more then Him. He roams the earth and sees what is happening. He listens to the prayers of His people and answers them. The devil listens to the prayers of his people and answers them. What is planned for evil will be destroyed by the prayers of God’s people. When My people who are called by My Name will humble themselves, turn from their wicked ways and pray, then I will hear from heaven and answer their prayers. God’s people moved by the bad news need to pray for mercy so that the land will not be devastated but be renewed and refreshed. All creation waits for the revelation of the sons of God. We are children, sons and daughters of God and we need to pray. We prayed for the rains and the land has been watered after 10 years of drought. This has happened in the past and this is the way to progress into the future. Many will connect with the people of God as they get serious about His ways of doing things. Prayer is number one on God’s agenda because He moves through His Spirit. Man can only see the physical manifestations of God’s interventions. Only the spirit of a man can discern spiritual things. Tap into God’s Spirit and listen to Him so you know how to pray God’s mind into existence. This is how you do His will on earth as it is in heaven. First you must know God’s will and then you must do it. The knowing comes before the doing. The knowing comes through prayer.

Friday, August 27, 2010


This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. How good it is to see the full moon and marvel at His creation. How stupid can man be that he sees the moon, sun and stars and all the planets and galaxies and does not marvel at all creation. It is so true that man has made himself wise in his own eyes and has become a fool in rejecting God. God is the Creator and the creation story is the only plausible explanation for all that exists. Man can make things but never can he create from nothing. The foolishness of man will be his down fall. It is time the people of God took their place as leaders and rulers and rule on earth as it is in heaven. We are the hands and feet of God. Where our feet touch the ground, there we should possess and rule. If we don’t, then the devil will rule. Too many have given into fear and allowed fear to dictate rather then faith. The only remedy to fear is faith. A faith filled, Spirit filled Christian has the power of all creation to enable him to overcome all fear and obstacles. God is looking for righteousness on earth and it is like in the time of Abraham on the earth, where there were only a few righteous men. Pray for more Christians to enter the foray and take their place as rulers and to rule the land God has given them. We need a revival that will bring the holy fear of God into the hearts of men to enable them to resist evil and live holy lives.

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Precious are the moments that enable the Lord to sow His thoughts into my mind. It liberates and extinguishes all other thoughts. God reveals His mind and it cancels the power of all other thoughts. You know it is the Lord because something in you lights up and you know. This inner knowing is what makes the difference. The witness in your spirit is one of the marks of guidance. The witness in His word and from others is another. Therefore you have 3 witnesses to judge your word - spirit, word and others. Just like a 3 string rope cannot be easily broken so also these 3 witnesses are a solid foundation. The counsel in heaven is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. How wonderful to have communion with all 3. In a marriage it is the 2 joined together by the Spirit that makes the union strong and resistant to pressure. This is why the marriage vows are a covenant and not just an arrangement. In the world marriages are seen as an arrangement to fulfil the law of man. In God it is a covenant relationship where the two become one for eternity sealed by His blood and blessing. God is the creator of marriage and only He can break it. Man will break it at his own cost and will reap the consequences. What God has joined let no man put asunder is the command. Too many commands have become suggestions and therefore lose the power to last the course. In God a relationship bound in heaven by oath lasts forever.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


The Lord will come and assure you of His presence and goodness in your time of need. He is always present and is accessible at anytime anywhere. This is why He is called omnipresent. How good is to know He is available in time of need. Yet we need to exercise the consciousness of His presence all the time. The consciousness of His presence will drive out all evil from your midst. Being full of His Spirit is to be conscious of His presence. We are most of the time unconscious as if driving in automatic mode. The routine of life imposes a sense of security so that we do things in automatic mode. Being conscious is to be aware of every moment of our waking time and to be present. This is to make every moment count in the present. The now is more important then the past or the future. How you live in the now is what will matter for the future. There is no past or present in the now. It is all now and there is so much freedom in this, as you are free from the past and future. This is the way to live life to the full. Living in His presence, conscious of His presence, is the most fulfilling way to live. Come Holy Spirit and help me to live out this abundant life here and now.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Help is on the way. You can never lose hope for the Giver of hope lives in you. Christ in you is the hope of glory. Therefore when you feel down or depressed look to Him within you to come through for you. Because He lives I have hope for tomorrow. Hope is a life giving fruit of the Spirit. Therefore there remains faith, hope and love and greatest of these is love. Let His words fill you with hope. He comes through in hopeless situations and injects hope and brings new life. Watch the plants which look dead and withered in winter, spring to life in summer. It is the same experience when hope comes alive within you as you hear His now word. It is like new wine poured into you and you become filled in the Spirit and your soul cries out in adoration and praise. This is what He brings when all hope is lost. He is a living Saviour, a present King and a lover of your soul. There is no one else who can fill the gap that sin produced. He fills it with Himself and now you feel cleansed and whole in Him. He replaces the old with the new and the new wine of the Kingdom releases the joy in you. The blind see, the deaf hear and the captive is set free. Hallelujah.

Monday, August 23, 2010


Lord you are so wonderful and I am so privileged to be called your child. What this world needs is to know you as Father God. The church has misrepresented you and made you look like a distant father figure who is only there to judge and not to love. This image has so tarnished the people’s minds that they want nothing to do with you. It is only a personal relationship with you that will change this perception. Your unconditional love is so deep and wide that there is nothing to compare with. Your love seen through your Son is the only way that the world will be won over. Your love will melt hard hearts and change a sinner into a saint. The gospel has the power to convert and redeem and no philosophy is sufficient to compare with it. The good news of the gospel needs to be broadcast everywhere and it is an urgent command. Jesus said, ‘Go into the entire world and preach the gospel’. This is not a request but a command. Salvation is through no other Name. Religions prove that man is made for God and God for man. Interfaith discussions will only compromise the truth. A compromise will not do when men are going to hell. The solution cannot be a compromise. A compromise never promises anything. Why invest in something that promises nothing. We are called to be peace makers and not peace keepers. You make peace by introducing the One who gives peace. Peace keepers are compromisers.

Sunday, August 22, 2010


Surprises from the Lord are truly exciting. He comes in at certain times for He loves to surprise. He brings gifts to enthral you and to make you feel precious. God is the Lord of the Universe. In Him you have all things you need and more. He sustains you with His right hand and He delivers you from the Tempter of your soul. He is a righteous God and in Him there is no sin. He loves to give and forgive. Forgiveness is at the heart of the gospel. God forgives those who repent and turn from their wicked ways. He loves to bless His children. Keep a positive stance always for you know you are on the winning team. God and you are a majority. There is no lack in Him. There is no negativity in Him. He is all you need and in Him you are complete. Yes we are complete in Him. Now all you have to do is praise him. Praise Him, for His abundant love will sustain you and keep you moving forward. There is no sliding back in Him. It is forward gear all the time. What seems as a block is just a pause. You pause to let the enemy pass. Then you move forward, on your way to heaven as your destiny.

Saturday, August 21, 2010


Precious are the moments with the Lord when it is just you and Him in close encounter. He is with you and He is always there. He loves these encounters when His child comes to listen to His now word. His now word is the word of revelation and insight. His now word is the word for you now, to help you to know His will and His mind for you now. It is not a word for tomorrow but for now. God is in the now always, for there is no beginning or end, only an eternal now. When you realise this then you become free from the past and the future. Most people live in the past or the future. They never enjoy the now experience, for they are always living in a cloud of unconsciousness. This cloud is infiltrated by worries and cares that keep you unconscious to the now. What a useless way to live and die? Yet many think they are living a full life. What a travesty of justice to be robbed of a life free and full. This is what the devil wants, for his mission is to steal, kill and destroy. Jesus came to set you free from his devilish devices and to be free to be. God accepts you as you are and total freedom is only possible in Jesus, for He only can wipe your slate clean and assure a bright future, filled with hope and joy. What redemption, what a salvation, what a destiny in Christ. Hallelujah

Friday, August 20, 2010


The Lord is God over all. He plans the days and times of His coming and going. He controls the planets and the Universe. He is in charge of everything. Man is just a dot in the vast creation of His making. He is yet mindful of man and his doings. Man made in the image of God is placed in a position no other creation is. He can think like God and feel like God. He can imagine and speak a creative word like God. God has given man power in his tongue so that he can have what he says. God spoke and He created the worlds and all that is in it. So when you pray, believe that you are praying His plans into existence. This is the power of prayer. When you believe you have what you say, then you are like God. This is a mystery beyond imagination, yet it is true. God says if you say to this mountain, move, it will move. This means that you have the power in what you say to move problems and speak solutions. What a marvellous mystery that God should choose man to be His mouth piece! You choose to curse or bless. Choose to bless and be an extension of God rather then curse and be an extension of the devil.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


This nation needs to wake up or lose out. The people are being swayed by the left to liberal views and going down the road of destruction. There is destruction within and without. Without a moral compass the nation will have nothing to keep it afloat in times of crisis. Christians need to wake up to the call to prayer for the needs of the nation. The soul of the nation is in the psyche of the people. A people that have lost their way will give in to every whim and fancy. Each new ideology gives rise to hope but unless it can last, it is an empty hope. People are promised this and that but these are empty promises built on false hope. A materialistic society will be tempted by this and that but lasting hope is built on good values. Strong values are the backbone of a nation. These values keep the nation on the straight and narrow. They are a guide to good behaviour. Without values the nation will be swayed this way and that by the wind of change. The Ten Commandments are God’s value system which works today as it did yesterday. They are the basic premise of conduct for any nation and people group. They have stood the test of time. Violating them is to violate your conscience and give in to the spirit of rebellion. It is this spirit of rebellion that is at work to tear down these sepulchres of righteousness and replace them with lasciviciousness. Pray for a spirit of holiness to invade the nation so the spirit of rebellion will be bound and righteous rule will prevail.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Precious are the times and places when the Lord reveals Himself to you. He comes in a still small voice or in happenings. Happenings are things that happen that amaze you as you did not expect them. You say something and you marvel at what you said. You have a new thought which excites you. You have a new feeling that suddenly comes over you. Joy bursts from within you suddenly. These are precious moments sent by God to comfort and strengthen you. Watch and listen and see the hand of God in the small things. These happen to you everyday when you notice them. Most of the time you are lost in a fog and therefore do not see. Now watch for those small things and be amazed. This is the hand of God dealing with you and showing His love for you through these happenings. God is good and His favour is upon you. Never grumble and give in to haste. Patience is a virtue seen most amongst saints. Cultivate this fruit of the Spirit knowing that your times are in His hands. I am most blessed because He blesses me with His abundance.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Peace is the mark of one who knows how to rest in the Lord. This is a rest that comes from a daily walk with the Lord. The peace that passes all understanding will gird your heart and mind and nothing can disturb it. This is a peace that Jesus promised and it comes from deep within. Money cannot buy this peace. This peace is the fruit of the Holy Spirit who lives in you. The world talks about peace as if it is something you can buy. Such a peace is temporary for it is man made peace. The peace of God is sealed with His Name. In His Name all peace is eternal. It will never change despite the circumstances. It is a peace that is grounded in Him. What a peace, what a salvation, what a Saviour.

Monday, August 16, 2010


Glory to the Lord who keeps on keeping on till the day of His return. He never rests for He has eternal power and never tires. He is always positive and encouraging. He never fails for He believes in success. He does not shy from opposition and adversity for He knows this is the lot of a fallen world. There will always be resistance for not all believe in Him. Even those who believe in Him have different views and desires. Very few live to please him. Most are caught up in pleasing themselves. For many God is a cover for achieving their own selfish ends. This is why there is so much division in His church. People are constantly caught up in doing their own thing. Many have stepped off this race and gone into recession. They have got tired of all the bickering and back biting. The strong will hang on for they rely on their God and not in their own cleverness or strength. The only way to beat the opposition is to stand till they bow out. No one can stand the might of God. God is with the man and woman who will stand to the end. Jesus went all the way to the Cross. He was cursed all the way yet He stood the course and won. Resurrection power is released as you stand and do not relent. God is here for the long haul and only those who are prepared to stay the course to the end will inherit the crown. Persevere to the end and you will never grow dry.

Sunday, August 15, 2010


The Universe is upheld by prayer. Most are only aware of the visible world. The invisible world holds the visible. What happens in the invisible transmutates into the physical. When men pray, then the invisible is moved to transform into the visible. This is why prayer can move mountains through faith. Without faith it is impossible to change anything. The whole world is held by faith. Whether you acknowledge it or not, your life is held together by faith. We think we know what forms the body but what holds it together? The glue factor which some call the God factor is faith. From the beginning God revealed His will through Abraham by faith. He walked by faith not knowing where he was going. All the men of faith brought heaven down to earth and performed sign ands wonders on the way. Therefore signs and wonders can be expected when you walk by faith. Those who walk by sight are fooling themselves. They think they know when they really don’t know but fool themselves. They are surprised that things don’t work out as they planned sometimes. They then lose heart and some suicide as the only option to their perceived failure. Nothing is a failure for those who walk by faith, for all things work together for good, for those who love God and are called according to His purpose. So pray and see how He will work through you to answer your desires in the heavenly and earthly.

Saturday, August 14, 2010


Helpless and lost are the people who chase after other gods. The world is possessed by the media that is controlled by the devil. The media manipulates the populace and the spirit behind it is evil. Therefore be careful what you watch and hear. Those who are not submitted to the Lord will be influenced by another spirit, the spirit of the world. This is the spirit Jesus came to dispossess of its power and influence. He did this on the Cross. However His people must take their place and rule, otherwise the spirit of the world will rule. This is to take place in families and governments and in all places of influence. For too long His people have given in to the spirit of the world, for the sake of so called peace. This is not peace but compromise. Compromise with the devil is like sleeping in bed with your enemy. This will not work. This is why most peace treaties do not work. The spirit behind these need to be confronted boldly and not compromised with. Stay in the spirit of the Kingdom and not in the spirit of the world. This is the only way to subvert the ways of the evil one. Pray in the Spirit and in this way you can cancel his influence and usher in God’s influence.

Friday, August 13, 2010


Consider the lilies of the field and how they bring glory to the earth. So also you are a lily planted on earth to show forth His glory. You are to shine for Him where you have been planted. You show forth His glory when you let His love shine through you. One can do a lot of things but it is only love that will be felt. A deed without love can be done by anybody. Love is the vital ingredient that will bind others to you. Without love the world will be filled with automatons that go about doing good deeds that does not last. Love is like a bond that glues what you do for eternity. Think about it. The things that last always left a mark on you and you yearn for that again. Lust takes while love gives. Today as you go about doing things, infect it with love. Let love be the anointing force that delivers what you do. Many are caught up in greed and power and these drive them to do things for others. This is not love but lust, as it always thinks about what it is for me. Manipulation is the name of the game where you are driven to distraction by false goals. Only love will ultimately count in eternity. Therefore store up treasure for eternity and not for treasures on earth which will rot and decay.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Many are the ways of the Lord and He will direct you through the forest and bring you to the garden. How good it is to know the Lord and know that he knows the way through the forest. I will get lost on my own but with my hand in His hand I will never get lost. He is my guide and I look to Him to guide me daily through life. He is the Giver of living water and I choose to drink from His well. His well fills me up and refreshes me. I am filled in Him to overflowing. I lack nothing because in Him I have everything. I will stand up and be counted for what I believe in. People are lost in this generation because they do not have a compass. The Bible was a compass to many at one time. Now science is the compass. However science does not have the answer to death and eternal life. Only He who has the answer to eternal life can give eternal life. He is my compass. The Word directs me to Him. When He is my compass then my compass will always be directing me to Him. How wonderful that His Spirit dwells in me to direct me to Him. He has filled me up with hope that never says die. His life has given me hope everlasting.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Many are the sorrows of the lost and some can’t bear it. Never judge a person by the cover. They hide a lot of things. This world majors on covers. A good cover up can fool many. One day the cover will have to come off and all will see the real. The world is dominated by sensual experiences. When one loses sight of the invisible then all that is left is the visible. It is the ability to see behind the visible into the invisible world that will propel you into the world of the spirit. The spirit world controls the physical world. Those who are blind to the spirit world cannot see. This is why Jesus said they are like the blind leading the blind. He came from the spirit world to reveal the Father who is spirit. He awakened my spirit so that my eyes were opened to see. Now I see and I believe. Now I have a hope that will never perish for it is founded on the Rock that never moves. Jesus is the Rock of our salvation and in Him I have access to the heavenly realm of wisdom and knowledge. Now I can do anything He calls me to do because He will give me the ability to do it. Now nothing is impossible for everything is possible in Him.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Prayer is the way to intercede for your needs and the needs of others. The God who answers prayers will intervene through your prayers. Prayers that are repetitious get no where. It is believing prayer that will get to the throne. Faith in a prayer answering God will determine the answers. God answers through the prayers of His people. A Christian on his knees in prayer is more powerful then a nuclear bomb. It blasts through the heavenlies to bring about changes on earth as it is in heaven. When you pray ask that His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. We are to implement what is already done in heaven on earth. This is the prime role of a Christian. I am here to finish the task apportioned to me to do. I am not here to do another’s job. God has a plan for each one and only I can do what has been apportioned to me to do. I am an agent of heaven to fulfil God’s plan on earth. This is the royal commission and it is a command and not a suggestion.

Monday, August 09, 2010


Righteousness in Christ is imputed righteousness. It is not based on my good deeds. It is based solely on His deed. His death on the Cross for my sin makes His righteous act, mine. This alone is sufficient sacrifice for my sinfulness. Nothing but His blood is able to cleanse me and make me whole. This is the heart of the good news of the gospel. Yet the world refuses to accept this, for the world can’t see how this is possible. The sin of one man infected the whole human race. Now the death of one man absolves man of this sin. Sin like a virus affects our whole being. We are never free from its tentacles but we can be free from its judgement, because of His sacrifice. Many are taken up with working out your salvation. This working out is something you do after having been saved. This is a working out to confirm your freedom from sin rather then a working out to be free from sin. The Cross is my only hope and in it I will rejoice and like Paul, I no nothing other then the Christ and Him crucified. This is not religion but life. The Cross brought death to One, that many may have life through it. Thank you Lord for your life giving power that is released through your resurrection power because of the Cross.

Sunday, August 08, 2010


Power is released as you focus on His presence in you. The sure way to overcome the wiles of the flesh is to focus on His presence within you. He will give you the power to overcome all weaknesses of the flesh. God not only saves you but gives you the ability to live the saved life. Too many rely on their flesh to live the spiritual life. Only the Spirit is able to live the spiritual life. Just as you need tools to equip you to do a physical task so also you need the gifts of the Spirit to live a spiritual life. In Him you have all you need to live this life in the Spirit. The Spirit covers the flesh and controls the flesh. When you by faith reckon your flesh life dead then the Spirit will lead you in a path that enables you to forsake all and follow Him. This is why Jesus commanded us to forsake all things, take up our cross and follow Him. This kind of life is not for the weak but for the strong in faith. He will make you strong by His Spirit who dwells within you. When you walk in ignorance then you become weak and allow the devil to molest you. In His Word you become strong, for His word contains the life and the spirit to walk the walk.

Saturday, August 07, 2010


Hallelujah what a day to be alive. He is in me to help me through the day. I am connected with all things and all things are connected to me. Jesus said He is the Light of the world. Jesus said you are the light of the world too. This means we are lights in this dark world and as lights we shine to show the way to Him. One light joins with another till the whole world is lit up for His glory. Today walk as a light in this dark world. Each time you give something to someone you shine your light. You cannot hide your light for that will only plunge the world into darkness. Hiding the light is a selfish thing to do. So shine your light and let others see your light and be drawn to Him. This is our purpose in this world. He came as a light and one day you saw the light and became the light. What a world we live in and as the day approaches for His return, the light will shine brighter but also the darkness will grow deeper. Therefore let your light shine as you recognise His light in you. Do not hide it. Take off the cloak hiding it and let it shine through the window of your soul.

Friday, August 06, 2010


Happy is the man who trusts in the Lord and not in his own strength. The Lord loves those who are His and desires that all should come to Him and none should perish. All have access to His love but only a few choose to follow. The devil and his demons conspire to keep them blind to His purpose. The world is in the control of the devil but he does not have total control. His control is limited and he knows his time is up. He rules to kill and destroy. The world loves negative news because it is wired for this. God hates evil of any kind. What you see of death and destruction is the work of the evil one who works through his followers. They have been blinded by him. He has sowed his destructive seeds into them and all they can do is carry out his evil deeds. No one wants to kill and destroy but something in them causes them to do it. What is this something? It is the evil seed planted in them through hurt, offences and acts. Some have walked into his net and others have wilfully chosen to do so. Sin always opens one into his den of mischief and lust. Only the blood of Jesus can cleanse you from sin and its effects. There is no other remedy that is an answer to sin. No amount of penance or self flagellation can wipe out the stain of sin. Come to the Cross of Jesus and let Him take your burden of sin and set you free.

Thursday, August 05, 2010


Is Jesus dead or alive? This is the question that will determine your destiny. If He is dead then what you believe in is also dead. If He is alive then what you believe will revolutionise your life. Dead religion, is just that, dead. Jesus came to revive the world from its dead religious ways to a life of everlasting love and vigour. Where He is, there is life. This is resurrection life which has the power to raise the dead. Only those who believe can avail of His power. His power is given to help you achieve the utmost for His highest. Now you live in the realm of the supernatural. In Him you have the power to heal and deliver. In Him you have all the resources you need to overcome. He is in you and with you. The Holy Spirit never left Jesus on the Cross. He was with Him all the way and suffered with him. The travail of His soul was the anguish He felt in that dark time of His life. Your soul also will go through dark times but His Spirit is always with you. When you shift your focus to His Spirit within you, then your soul comes to rest. Your soul is battered by forces that are out to destroy you. However in the Spirit you are free from the tangles of your ego that strives against these forces. Your ego cannot stand the pressure and will buckle under pressure. However in the Spirit you have the power to overcome, what your flesh cannot do. In Him alone is your salvation. In Him alone is your hope of glory. Praise His Name always.

Wednesday, August 04, 2010


Blessed is the Lord who makes me praise Him all day. He gives me joy and He puts a sprint in my step. He is my everlasting joy. He ordains times and places to achieve His plans. He is my everlasting father and I love Him so. I will rejoice in Him. All my enemies will turn to be my friends. They will see you in me and the Cross has the power to change the worst sinner into a saint. God is in the business of plundering hell and populating heaven. I am His agent of salvation as I have the pearl of great price in me. He lives in me and moves through me to attract all things to Himself. He is the Alpha and the Omega and there is no end in Him. I will operate in His Spirit and in His Spirit I can overcome all things. He will overcome through me. Praise the Lord for His manifold mercies.

Tuesday, August 03, 2010


Blessed is the Lord who gives me strength each day to face the day. He energises me and gives me a boost to my walk. He fills me up with His power and I operate on supernatural power. His supernatural power propels me forward and advances me into unknown territory. It is an adventure to walk with the Lord. He opens up new doors yet to be open and enables me to walk through it. He is the one who gives me new ideas and keys to understanding. He knows how I tick and He enables me to use my talents for His higher purpose. I just relax in His presence and learn to allow His Spirit to flow through me. He cleanses me and empowers me to excellence. He will never leave me or forsake me. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He appoints people for a certain time for a particular purpose. He has appointed me for a time like this to proclaim His Name and advance His cause in this world. He has positioned me for breakthrough deliverance from the evil of this world. Only in Jesus Name is there true deliverance. Everything else is maya, an illusion of the real. I will trust Him and enter the reality of heaven on earth.

Monday, August 02, 2010


Blessings follow the man who trusts in the Lord and not in his own strength. God loves to bless those who put their trust in Him. He is the everlasting Father and He loves to give. He does not withhold from those He loves. Giving is His privilege. We deprive ourselves when we choose not to trust Him. The law of attraction surely works here. The Father’s heart is to give and when you give you lose His hands to give. This is what it means when His word says that what you loose on earth is loosed in heaven. When you open your heart and hands and give, then the Father’s hands are loosed to give. What a principle to emulate. Test me says the Lord and see if I will not prove it. What you hold will be withheld. If you withhold love then you will not receive love. It applies in all areas of your life. Love gives and does not withhold. Selfishness withholds. Therefore whether in the spirit world or material world the same principle works. What you sow is what you will reap.

Sunday, August 01, 2010


In His presence is everlasting joy. Joy comes in the morning as you awake and praise Him for the new day. He is in you and works through you. He loves to talk and minister through you. He is El Shadai the God is in this place. He is present where you are. You are His temple and He resides within you. Imagine the God of the universe resides in you. What can you not do now? Yes anything is possible because the miracle working God dwells in you. He is and was and is to come. Glory in His Name always. His name is Jesus. He has a name and through His name you can do all things. This is why you pray in His name so that you seal what is in His name. Seal to day Lord your mission you have placed in my heart.