Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Prayer is the way to intercede for your needs and the needs of others. The God who answers prayers will intervene through your prayers. Prayers that are repetitious get no where. It is believing prayer that will get to the throne. Faith in a prayer answering God will determine the answers. God answers through the prayers of His people. A Christian on his knees in prayer is more powerful then a nuclear bomb. It blasts through the heavenlies to bring about changes on earth as it is in heaven. When you pray ask that His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. We are to implement what is already done in heaven on earth. This is the prime role of a Christian. I am here to finish the task apportioned to me to do. I am not here to do another’s job. God has a plan for each one and only I can do what has been apportioned to me to do. I am an agent of heaven to fulfil God’s plan on earth. This is the royal commission and it is a command and not a suggestion.

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