Sunday, August 29, 2010


The impossible is made possible in Him. When you have Him in your life then anything is possible. This is the hope we have, that Christ in me is my hope of glory. He lives and therefore I have hope for tomorrow. Tomorrow can bring a new thing on the scene which can change everything. The change in me is the change that will change the world. I change and will see the world differently. Nothing changes without me changing. Therefore I am the author of change. What happens to me is not as important as what happens in me. My perceptions ultimately determine the outcome. If I see things as negative then I will produce negative outcomes. If I see things as positive then I will bring positive outcomes. This is why Jesus said if you tell this mountain to move, it will move. You have power within to move mountains. When you know that He lives in you, then you will see through His eyes. This is why you need to separate yourself from your natural history and begin to see yourself as a new creation in Christ. In Him you are writing a new story each day and wiping out the old story. Those who hold on to the old story will be limited in their vision. A limited vision will only produce a limited future. Now see yourself as a new creature in Christ and see how your today becomes a new story.

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