Thursday, August 12, 2010


Many are the ways of the Lord and He will direct you through the forest and bring you to the garden. How good it is to know the Lord and know that he knows the way through the forest. I will get lost on my own but with my hand in His hand I will never get lost. He is my guide and I look to Him to guide me daily through life. He is the Giver of living water and I choose to drink from His well. His well fills me up and refreshes me. I am filled in Him to overflowing. I lack nothing because in Him I have everything. I will stand up and be counted for what I believe in. People are lost in this generation because they do not have a compass. The Bible was a compass to many at one time. Now science is the compass. However science does not have the answer to death and eternal life. Only He who has the answer to eternal life can give eternal life. He is my compass. The Word directs me to Him. When He is my compass then my compass will always be directing me to Him. How wonderful that His Spirit dwells in me to direct me to Him. He has filled me up with hope that never says die. His life has given me hope everlasting.

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