Tuesday, August 03, 2010


Blessed is the Lord who gives me strength each day to face the day. He energises me and gives me a boost to my walk. He fills me up with His power and I operate on supernatural power. His supernatural power propels me forward and advances me into unknown territory. It is an adventure to walk with the Lord. He opens up new doors yet to be open and enables me to walk through it. He is the one who gives me new ideas and keys to understanding. He knows how I tick and He enables me to use my talents for His higher purpose. I just relax in His presence and learn to allow His Spirit to flow through me. He cleanses me and empowers me to excellence. He will never leave me or forsake me. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He appoints people for a certain time for a particular purpose. He has appointed me for a time like this to proclaim His Name and advance His cause in this world. He has positioned me for breakthrough deliverance from the evil of this world. Only in Jesus Name is there true deliverance. Everything else is maya, an illusion of the real. I will trust Him and enter the reality of heaven on earth.

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