Saturday, August 14, 2010


Helpless and lost are the people who chase after other gods. The world is possessed by the media that is controlled by the devil. The media manipulates the populace and the spirit behind it is evil. Therefore be careful what you watch and hear. Those who are not submitted to the Lord will be influenced by another spirit, the spirit of the world. This is the spirit Jesus came to dispossess of its power and influence. He did this on the Cross. However His people must take their place and rule, otherwise the spirit of the world will rule. This is to take place in families and governments and in all places of influence. For too long His people have given in to the spirit of the world, for the sake of so called peace. This is not peace but compromise. Compromise with the devil is like sleeping in bed with your enemy. This will not work. This is why most peace treaties do not work. The spirit behind these need to be confronted boldly and not compromised with. Stay in the spirit of the Kingdom and not in the spirit of the world. This is the only way to subvert the ways of the evil one. Pray in the Spirit and in this way you can cancel his influence and usher in God’s influence.

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