Thursday, August 26, 2010


Precious are the moments that enable the Lord to sow His thoughts into my mind. It liberates and extinguishes all other thoughts. God reveals His mind and it cancels the power of all other thoughts. You know it is the Lord because something in you lights up and you know. This inner knowing is what makes the difference. The witness in your spirit is one of the marks of guidance. The witness in His word and from others is another. Therefore you have 3 witnesses to judge your word - spirit, word and others. Just like a 3 string rope cannot be easily broken so also these 3 witnesses are a solid foundation. The counsel in heaven is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. How wonderful to have communion with all 3. In a marriage it is the 2 joined together by the Spirit that makes the union strong and resistant to pressure. This is why the marriage vows are a covenant and not just an arrangement. In the world marriages are seen as an arrangement to fulfil the law of man. In God it is a covenant relationship where the two become one for eternity sealed by His blood and blessing. God is the creator of marriage and only He can break it. Man will break it at his own cost and will reap the consequences. What God has joined let no man put asunder is the command. Too many commands have become suggestions and therefore lose the power to last the course. In God a relationship bound in heaven by oath lasts forever.

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