Monday, November 15, 2010


Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord and does not waver from His cause. His cause is to redeem the whole world to himself. This is the heart of the gospel. There is no other cause on God’s heart then this cause. To win the world which is lost and wandering like the people of Israel in spiritual deserts. They wander because they don’t have a shepherd to lead them. All the shepherds do is to fill their own belly with good things and leave the sheep to die. They will be judged on that day for their irresponsible behaviour. But God is merciful and will send His Spirit once again to water the earth. The dry land will be refreshed and the souls of men will be revived. Many will be lost but many will escape and be saved. During these last days there is an urgency before the last tribulation. Pray for many to come in and be saved. There is no other cause for you to die for then His cause. The simple message of the Cross has to be broadcast day and night till the heathen hear and believe. There is too much compromise at present and the world is drifting away from its salvation. Only those who hold on to the end will be saved. What you see in the world is compromise and this will end in death. Therefore be urgent and do not relent till your last breath.

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