Saturday, November 06, 2010


Many will call Him Lord but few will follow Him as Lord. This is the complacency that is around in the church. There is no sense of urgency and all that is left is His name but no power with it. The church is crippled with inertia because He is not experienced as He is supposed to in the fullness of the Holy Spirit. Every thing is said but not felt. It is in the saying and the experiencing that your faith comes alive. When you operate in the sphere of the unseen then that which is unseen becomes seen. This is the power of the eternal being that sits on the throne of grace and supplies His power to all who call on His Name by faith. Your faith in His words will release the power of His word to perform His works on earth as it is in heaven. Come Holy Spirit and make this a reality in my life. Never go back to what was but to what is in the spirit. The spirit world is waiting for the sons of God to reveal themselves so that the power of God can be manifested on the earth. This power holds the whole earth and it is the word of His power that will bring forth His will on earth. So pray that His love and grace will abound and penetrate through the darkness like shafts of light to dispel the darkness. Lord let this start in my life and flood my life and my family with your light and dispel the darkness.

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