Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Let go and let God is a state of absolute abandonment to the Lord. In this state you let go of control and let the Holy Spirit lead. He will lead you and guide you as you let go control of your life. This is the state of complete and absolute surrender. Many come to this place when they are at the end of the road through illness or some other situation. This is the place of liberty in the Spirit. It is like an illusion. The ego wants to control everything and will not give up anything without a fight. In Him you are able to let go and let Him have His way. This is to live life to the full. Today live in surrender and see how you have complete control of your thoughts and feelings. When you are filled with His love then no other thought or feeling can intrude this space. In Him you are one with all nature and this is to be completely one with being. Your internal and external desires become one and you flow in unity of the spirit, mind and body. This is like experiencing total freedom. It is a paradox in that when you let go, you are free to be. The ego will not let go easily. It will always fight to survive but it is in this that you fail to see the higher purpose and meaning of life. Life is meant to flow like the wind and live in the moment for the moment. This is all you have. Everything else is an illusion. Death and life are an illusion, a figment of your imagination. Only what is now is real and this moment will pass and what is now becomes an illusion of the past.

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