Monday, November 29, 2010


The Lord is good and His banner over me is love. Many are the tragedies and incidents that occur in life but they that put their trust in the Lord will come forth unscathed. He is Lord of all and therefore He can speak to all and through all. Never allow your prejudices cancel the thoughts and words from others. It is this prejudice that leads to misunderstanding and conflict. To seek to listen first is a good strategy as this will enable you to challenge your prejudices. Prejudice is prejudging a situation or person before they are given a right to state their position. You will be surprised by the leanings of some who you thought were against you. They will turn out to be your ally because deep in the heart of man there is a secret place that yearns for hope and a place of escape from the hardness of this world. All the defences against this threat of annihilation melt down when true love gets through. God uses others to reflect His love and when you catch that reflection, change happens. This is what happens when you attend meetings when others can rub with you and you are able to transfer His love to others. You hold the pearl of great prize and wherever you go you will reflect His light to others. Go forth today to reflect His light and His favour is upon you.

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