Friday, November 05, 2010


Never make assumptions for it will cause you to predetermine your response. Always give the other person the liberty to respond first before prejudging. In this way you don’t box other people in by your assumptions but free them to be. We like to prejudge a situation because it gives a sense of control, one upmanship. You do a disservice to yourself and others in this process. To be free of assumptions is to free yourself and free the other person in your interaction. Assumptions are like a sword over a person’s head. It has already crucified the person even before they can have a hearing. This is a normal way people operate because they have their own distorted perceptions fuelled by their biased assumptions, biased because it is really a reflection of their own mind set. Their mind set is determined by their own life experience. The abused always see themselves as victims and therefore see others as aggressors. This dynamic is played out in everyday life from the relationships at home, office and social scenes. The key to be free from assumptions is to accept the other as they are and then make judgements as you get to know the person. In this way you free them to be who they really are rather then who you think they are. Lack of faith always boxes people because there is safety in boxing people. Never judge others by the colour of their skin or their social standing. Character is more then that. When you are free from your own assumptions about yourself then you will be free to set others free. Free me Lord from my false and evil assumptions so that I can love others, for who they are, your creation who you love unconditionally.

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