Tuesday, November 16, 2010


The Lord leads one step at a time to the land of milk and honey. This is the land that was promised to you when you commenced on the journey of life with Him. The route is difficult at times but you will enjoy every moment of it because He is with you. Now you write about this journey but one day you will reach the destination and rejoice. Faith is a journey filled with excitement for it can always expect the supernatural. The natural is mundane compared to the supernatural. Your life of faith is a supernatural walk and therefore your whole being is at attention to expect anything. He is with you and for you and therefore you can expect the impossible. People are only limited by their own expectations. When you expect great things then great things will happen. When you believe that God lives in you then anything is possible. This is what is so exciting, that God chose to live in you. It is this that will propel you to take bigger steps into the unknown and become known. This knowledge then will build faith and there will be no limits to the adventure with God.

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