Saturday, November 27, 2010


Many are the ways of man but the Lord has provided a way and those who find it will find life. God is author of all things but the devil perverts His ways and causes man to wander from the truth. God is good and the devil is bad. The devil is a creation of God. God has given His people choice and this is why the devil became part of God’s creation. He created man with a free will. This means that man is not a robot but can choose what is right. God has provided man with the capacity to know what is good and bad. When he chooses the bad then bad things happen to him. Why do bad things happen to good people? Bad things happen to good people to mould them into better people. In God even the bad things that happen to you can turn into good. He makes all things work together for good. In Him there is no good or bad because all is good for He is good. Therefore when you are in Him, you know it is going to work for good. In Him all His promises are yes and amen. Therefore you can trust Him with all things because He is in control. Now give yourself to Him and see how He will work to make your day like the noon day sun. He will shine through you and light will surround you in the midst of darkness. Man’s mind is darkened by the evil one but His light will dispel the darkness. In this way God will use the happenings on earth to turn the hearts of the people to Him. He is Lord over all.

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