Monday, May 31, 2010


Many are the woes of the rich and they feel falsely protected by their riches. This will fail on that day when all that is seen will disappear in a flash. You must prepare for that day with your soul full of Him so that your heart will not fail you on that day. It is in Him that you will be able to rise up above the chaos and disaster of that day when all these material will vanish through changes in the atmosphere. All that is seen is temporary and is like an illusion, now here and then gone. Why do you put your trust in these things when you know they will not last? Only that which is eternal will last. All the pleasures of the flesh are temporary. The flesh delights in these things. A man who puts His trust in these things will be like the man who built his house on the sand. The sands of time will demolish it as the foundation is shaky. Only the foundation built on Christ will last. All other gods are imitations of the real. Now the real has come why bother to worship that which is temporary. Just as the new replaces the old so also Jesus has come to replace all that was prophesied about Him in the old. Now is the time to walk in the newness of the Spirit of Jesus and be alive.

Sunday, May 30, 2010


Praise God who sends His word in time to help you to meet a need. He helps you and you help others through His Spirit in you. You are the vessel of His keeping. You are Jesus walking on earth seated in heaven with Him. See how closely you are associated with Him. How closer can you get with Him then to be seated with Him in heaven. You are on the throne with Him. Many die without this revelation. How different your walk on earth will be as you receive this revelation into your spirit. This is a spirit revelation. You cannot think of this as something you receive by thinking or reading but only through revelation. The Spirit reveals the mind of God to you. You then receive this revelation in your spirit. The revelations then you confess with your mouth and it becomes substance in the now. Confession is made unto salvation. Salvation can be in any area of need. If for healing, relationship or finance the same principle applies. You receive in the spirit, then you confess with your mouth and you receive in the flesh. So today confess what you have received in the spirit and see how your talk becomes your walk.

Saturday, May 29, 2010


The Lord will lead you a step at a time and slowly and surely everything will unfold in His time. In His time all things are possible. See how as you enter in to possess the land that the land will come to you. Once you have received the vision then it is only a matter of time before the vision becomes substance. God saw and He spoke creation into being. He created all things big and small. He lives in you to continue His work of creation as you step out of your box and into space. In space you walk with God. In your box you are safe but in a box. Out there in space you are not alone because He is with you. You can only bring in the harvest as you step out in faith. Many are waiting to hear and this is the time to harvest the fields for souls. The fields are ripe and multitudes are waiting for deliverance. No one is accepted as He is available to all. Therefore do not judge by the outward for what appears ugly maybe an angel of the Lord. Sow freely and reap freely. Come Holy Spirit and harvest the fields through me.

Friday, May 28, 2010


This day is a day of turmoil in the world for He is coming soon. The events that are taking place in the physical are a fore runner of the things in the spiritual. Take heed of these happenings. Many will dismiss this as natural calamity but miss the real significance. You who are spiritual need to discern. Today I will open your eyes to see the spiritual behind the physical. There are different worlds within worlds. These worlds affect each other. They are not separate. People like to separate things but fail to make connections. It is this disconnection that is causing the disruptions. His return will remove these disruptions. He will unite all things in Him. He was sent to proclaim the day of the Lord. Many reject Him but He will come for those He has prepared for His eternal Kingdom. Watch, wait and pray for the soon coming King. He is a King who will reign in peace. The entire world will rejoice and be glad. All hostility will cease and the righteous will rise up to rule in power and in justice. The Lord Himself will be King and He will rule with righteousness. The rebellious will continue to rebel but they are destined for hell. Repent and be united to the Lord and fear Him. He is the judge who will judge fairly. His justice will be fair and uncontaminated. He will rule with justice and honour. He will be merciful to those who plead for mercy.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Above all the troubles that this world faces there is someone who is in charge. He holds the key to all things. In Him all things have their being. In Him all things come together. Without Him all is in chaos. Sometimes it appears as if things will be right but then you find yourself in the same place you started. In Him you will move forward. In Him a day is like ten thousand years. Time is not a measure of success. It goes on forever. Time is only a factor for those who have to face death. Otherwise time is eternal. God does not work within the limitations of time because He is not controlled by it. When you live in Him you too operate with eternity in mind. Death is just a passage to a continuing journey in another realm. There is much peace when you realise that you are just passing through a phase in your eternal journey of life. What you have today is just for today. It won’t suffice for your needs of tomorrow. You don’t know what awaits you tomorrow. You just face tomorrow when it comes by faith as you do today. Your needs will be met by the One who knows everything. He feeds the sparrow and it does not know where its bread will come from. He is everywhere and all things are alive in Him. When you enter the dimension of the eternal you receive new life and new energy and vitality. Your focus shifts from the now to eternity. You live in the now more fully because you know life never ends. You want to live fully for others that others may also come to this realisation and live.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Happy are the people who seek the Lord with all their heart and look to Him alone for help and strength. They are kept in Him and they will abound with favour. God loves to bless those who look to Him. Jesus was completely surrendered to His Father. He only said and did what He saw His Father doing. In this way He kept Himself from evil and walked in the perfect will of God. This is the way you too need to live in perfect harmony with His Spirit. His Spirit in you will lead you and guide you till you too walk in harmony with Him. What a marvellous relationship this abiding in Him provides. He is your Master and in Him you are complete. This is the sanctification that occurs as you stop rebelling and submit to Him. Submission is holiness for in Him you are holy. Without Him you will be open to attack and disease. In Him you are protected by His holy armour and sin and disease cannot have a hold on you. You can dispel all fear in His Name and abide in Him contented. Peace with contentment is perfect bliss.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


People are fickle in that they are easily persuaded to change their minds. Their values have been compromised so that they are very malleable. It is time that good values are brought back into the culture. When values are compromised or given up it leads to a slow rot and decay. This then leads to chaos and break up of society. It is values that keep a group together. Commitment to values is the girdle that keeps the group moving in the right direction. So also a vision keeps the group pulling in the same direction. A break down of any of these leads to a division and crumpling of the system. Yet values have to be possessed and be the hard wiring of each individual otherwise it is only window dressing. Much of what is seen and said is window dressing. When the crisis comes then these values are put to the test. Conflict is one indicator of values of the system being challenged. If the test fails then one needs to revisit the values of the system and reinforce it otherwise further breakdown will occur. The Kingdom of God is based on a value system of the sacrificial offering of Christ. There is no greater value then to lay down one’s life for another. The Kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. It is in the Holy Spirit or by the Spirit that these values can be upheld. Therefore with a Kingdom mindset you are set to rule the world through His Spirit in you.

Monday, May 24, 2010


Many are the ways of man but the Lord directs him in the path of holiness. Holiness is to the Lord as water is to a parched land. Holiness is pure and accepts only that which is clean. Only the blood of Jesus can cleanse to make you pure and holy. In the presence of Almighty God only the blood sacrifice of Jesus is acceptable. No sacrifice of animals can bring the purity that is required. This is why the blood of Jesus has such power to cleanse. The cleansing power of the blood can cleanse the impurity of sin from your soul. Demons can only dwell in darkness. Once cleansed they will be blinded by the light and have to leave the body. Demons can only inhabit bodies living in sin. Therefore when you are cleansed in His blood they do not have a dwelling place but can still oppress you. They oppress you in your thought life. This is why Jesus way is the only way to the Father. There are many ways to spiritual knowledge and experience but His way leads you to the Father. In Him you are safe and secure from the wiles of the evil one. In Him you are constantly being renewed in your mind. Your heart and mind in synchrony provides the power to live an abundant life.

Sunday, May 23, 2010


When the Holy Spirit takes possession of you then nothing else becomes of any significance. Those who are possessed have a different mind set to those who have compromised with the world. The compromisers have been seduced by the god of the world to accommodate with the lawlessness of the world. Beware of the yeast of the world. It pollutes and does no good to you. Such compromise is seen in the church in its many forms. The sexual sins are a reflection of this compromise. Only Jesus is the only way to purge you of the fleshly desires and compromises. No other gods can dwell in harmony with Him. He came to slay the other gods that deceive and bind people to a way of living that result in death. Resurrection power is the only power that can save. It is because He is risen from the dead that He has power to save. There is no other way but His way. Any other way is a compromise and a deviation. Many are the ways that people have chosen to follow. Why follow a way that leads to death when the One who overcame death lives in you? Foolish are the ways of man that leads to destruction. Listen to His voice in you and follow Him. His way leads to eternal life. Death works in you but life in your spirit. The only way to life is through the Cross which signifies death to the flesh. You have already died and what you experience in the flesh is an illusion. Do not feed the illusion for it will keep you from entering into the fullness of the Spirit. The Spirit gives life and He lives in you to enable you to live life to the full.

Saturday, May 22, 2010


God is at work to help you to achieve your goals. Your goals are His goals. He plants His desires into you and you are His instrument in achieving His vision. His message is the same, go into all the world and preach the good news. When you tell of the Saviour and His love, you are spreading His good news to all and sundry. You are part of the great mission to fulfil the great commission Jesus made before He ascended into heaven. His vision will fire you up and His Holy Spirit in you will not allow you to rest till you achieve the mission. You can be rest assured that He will speak through you and give you the master plan. He will bring the people and finances to achieve this mission. This is His work through you rather then your work for Him. All He wants you to be is His vessel. You are a vessel filled with His Spirit to water the world ripe for watering with His word and power. So go now and be empowered to save souls caught in the darkness of this world. You belong to the Kingdom of God and live to destroy the works of darkness. Come Holy Spirit and fire me up for good works for your glory.

Friday, May 21, 2010


Lord have mercy on this land as we seek your face this day. We love this land and we ask for revival fires to spread through this land and consume the rot and waste in it. We want to take the authority you have given us in Jesus Name to bind the destructive forces that are out to cause havoc and call in your forces of light to redeem this land. Wash this land in your cleansing blood and may a flood of righteousness flood through this land. Lord you stand with the righteous and right always wins. The night may come but the light always replaces the forces of darkness. In each man there is a light which will shine brightly when righteousness prevails. Fear blinds and binds even the righteous when darkness prevails. Pray for God’s light to shine in the darkness. Lord in this hour it is only your light that can rescue from the darkness. Many of the poor will suffer but you alone can save them. You are always for the poor for they trust in you. They have no one else to turn to but you. They are like innocent lambs being prepared for the slaughter. Bind the forces that ingratiate the rich and reckless. Release the spirit of love in this land for only love can heal all who hurt. Only your love can heal completely.

Thursday, May 20, 2010


God is at work in the world and the market turmoil is just one indicator of it. Everything will be turned inside out. People will tremble with fear as they see what is happening. All their security structures will be torn down and replaced with structures of integrity and truth. Where there is integrity and truth there will be solid foundation which will not be affected by the present turmoil. Build your life on the solid rock of Jesus and you will never shake. What is to be shaken will be shaken. Men’s heart will fail them during this time because they built their lives on sand. Money is like sand which will be of no value and structures built on it will fail. Put your trust in the Lord and He will see you through these times of turmoil. The earth will tremble and shake and many will lose their houses and land. These are all signs of the time before He returns. He will return to a world hungry for a Saviour to save them from the mess they created. Lord have mercy on this land. Christ have mercy.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Blessed is the man who looks to the Lord for His daily needs. The Lord supplies freely just as he does to the birds that fly and get fed freely. Faith taps into the realm of the invisible to supply that which is visible. This is the transmutation of thought into substance. Your faith is the substance of things(solid) hoped for. When you request things in the spirit you move the hands of God to materialise it into form. The formless becomes form. This is what walking in the spirit is all about. When you walk in the spirit as He is in the spirit then you walk in the light of His presence. In His presence is the glory of God. The tangible presence of God can be felt. It may come as the wind or the rain but it can be felt. It may come in the form of gold dust or oil but it forms into a substance that is the evidence of His presence. When you lock into His presence then what is impossible becomes possible.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Praise God for His blessings are innumerable. I will walk in thanksgiving all day for He is good. I love the Lord and I know He loves me and cares for me. How good it is to know the Lord. He is my Father, brother and friend. He counsels me and strengthens me. All I am called to be is a witness. I will not get agreement from everyone. Everyone did not agree with Jesus. This is the way it is. I am not to judge those who do not agree with me. I am to speak the truth in love. It is the Holy Spirit who judges and will bring conviction to the hearts of all who He is calling to Him. Many hear but few follow. It takes conviction and commitment to follow the Master. Jesus called His disciples one by one and they turned the world upside down. They witnessed His resurrection and then walked in resurrection power. It is this power that will convince the world that He is alive. It is not just talk but power to move mountains. What ever your problem is or situation call on the Name of Jesus and you will be saved. He will save you from all things and bring you to a place of rest. You have access to the Father through His Name. You have access to healing and deliverance through His Name. In Jesus Name is not just a pronouncement. It is the power of God unto salvation.

Monday, May 17, 2010


God is in the small things. He speaks to us through the ants and spiders. All creatures large and small are in His circle of love. He created all things. Even the crocodile and lion can be tamed. Since the fall fear became the dominant emotion rather then love. Death entered the scene and the fear of death is the primary fear of all beings. It is to stem this fear that defences are erected. The defence is just a poor solution for the bigger problem, death. Jesus came and died and rose again and therefore conquered death for all. Now those who believe can have the same power over death. They will also rise again from the dead and live like Jesus is seated on the right hand of the Father. This is the destiny of all blood bought children who believe in the finished work of Christ on the Cross. Therefore this is the liberating message that the world needs to hear and believe. You have been called to be a witness through your own testimony of deliverance and salvation. Come Holy Spirit and fire me up for this is my mission for the rest of my journey on earth. There is nothing else I desire more then souls. Give me eyes to see the distress of souls hidden behind defences that blind them to their own fate. Let my life speak loudly of hope that is eternal and transforms lives.

Saturday, May 15, 2010


Father you are everything to me. Conscious of my own sinful nature I can see the cost you paid to set me free. Now I am so grateful and all I desire to do is share your mercy and grace with others. There is nothing else that thrills me more then this Lord. Fire me up with your love Lord that I will see others as you see me, pure and sinless, washed in your blood, cleansed and whole. Once people see this vision they will never be the same. Fill me up with your goodness that my sin will seem like nothing. When I experience your cleansing then I will reflect this to others. They will feel the cleansing power of the blood as they receive your mercy and grace. What other cleansing agent is required. The entire world is aware of their own weakness and shame. What you exchange for this is your love and peace. Burdens are lifted up at Calvary and there is nothing else you can do to be free. Be free and be loved and be cleansed and you will never look back. It is His love that you need and you will tell the world of your experience. In this way the whole world will be set free to be what you created them to be. I am a saint in His hands.

Friday, May 14, 2010


Precious are the moments that keep me connected to Him who is the author and finisher of my faith. God is good and His love is overall as He is the author of life. He created man in His own image. He knows everything about me. I am able to rest in Him because I know Him. I love Him because He has chosen to reveal Himself to me. His presence in me assures me of everlasting life. Death has lost its sting because He has conquered death. He has the answers to life and death. We who are living have only got answers to life and even then there are things still unknown. God has answers to death and life. In Him I am content to be myself. I don’t have to put up a front. I don’t have to waste my time and energy about what others think of me. I am loved in Him and this is the greatest gift He can give. This message is the greatest gift I can give to others. It is not only a message but a message with a real gift. Receive it and you will receive life eternal. All your answers to life and death will be answered and you will live life without limits.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


God is good and He loves a humble spirit. He loves to bless those who give up everything to bless Him. You will receive what you give up. Holding on is like keeping your hands closed. You can’t receive if your hands are closed. You can receive when you open up to Him. He desires to bless you and you can hold Him to His Word. His Word is your resource for everything. He has abundant supplies. You must open up and let the flow begin to flow out so that He can open up and let the flow in. If you stop the flow then you close God’s hands to bless you. The principle of sowing and reaping will apply in all areas of your life. If you sow love you will receive love. If you curse then you will receive a curse. This is the law of heaven and earth. You reflect back to yourself what you reflect to others. Therefore be careful what you think and say. What you think goes out to influence others and all around. If you want to see change then be the change you want to see. Hallelujah what a liberating word. Thank you Lord for your revelational word that washes my soul and energises me to victory. Who can do this but your Holy Spirit who lives in me and causes me to love, learn and leave a legacy.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Yes He is my God and He has programmed me for eternity. He works through me and delights me with His thoughts. I love the Lord and in Him alone is my salvation. I love the Lord and in Him all the desires of my heart are fulfilled. I love the Lord because He first loved me. Many are the trials and tribulations of the wicked but the righteous will flourish like the palm tree in the desert. The streams of water will refresh you while all is death and decay around you. Your hiding place is in the Lord and He will keep you safe from the storms of life. Yes with Him you need never fear the weather because you know your life is on the solid rock of Jesus who has risen from the dead. Resurrection power now flows through you to enable you to rise above the chaos of destruction and decay. Blessed is the Name of the Lord and blessed are His children who hope in Him.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Many are the joys of living in the river of the Lord. The Lord enables you to think widely and deeply. You will mount up like an eagle and see from afar the larger picture. You will not be bogged down with the non essentials of life. He is your head and you will lead like the head. You are a prince in the house of the Lord. In His Spirit you have all the wisdom and knowledge you need to surmount any hurdle. God is good and His favour is upon you. Others will seek you for your wisdom. He is your righteousness and joy. In Him all things come together for His glory. Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised. How wonderful it is to be free to be and to move and dance with the Lord. Life is a dance. Who are you dancing with? With the Lord you can dance to your hearts content for in Him you will need no inhibitions. You can be yourself for He knows you and accepts you as you are. What freedom, what release, what a life.

Monday, May 10, 2010


The power to choose is within you. Your choices result in your path to failure or success. In the Spirit you can be sure of success for He leads you according to His plan. He has predestined you for greatness. In Him you are already great. In the flesh you are bound for failure for the flesh ends in death. In the Spirit you are destined for eternal life and this is life without death. Now you are seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus. Let the words of the Bible infiltrate your thoughts and heart till it takes over every other thought. Memorise verses from the Bible that will come to your aid in times of need. If the Bible is true then believe it with all your heart. If not just go your own way and enjoy life for you are going to die some day. Why live a double life. If for God then give all to Him. Total surrender is the only way to live life in the Spirit. Nothing less will do for His Kingdom is not of man. Man chooses what he wants and is limited in his pursuits. God is ultimate perfection and in His Kingdom it is all or nothing. Come now to the river of life in His Spirit and live like a saint.

Sunday, May 09, 2010


You are a power vessel of the Lord. He lives in you and He is a power house within you. As the anointing grows within you, so also will the power. The power to heal, bless and deliver. His presence within you is your assurance and confidence. Therefore imagine who speaks through you as you open your mouth. No more censorship by the flesh which operates by manipulation and control. Those old programmes have been erased. New programs are being input so that the Holy Spirit can bring to your remembrance the words and the feelings of the new program. He works from within you. When you walk in the light as He is in the light then everything in you and around you will glow in His presence. He is the light of the world and He lives in you. He is alive and He has the power to save. Yes the Lord is risen from the dead and He lives in you. You have hope that never dies. This hope has eternal power as He breathes life to your mortal flesh. His blood cleanses and purifies you. His power burns up all the dross. His fire refines and makes you like solid gold. Men invest in material gold which is perishable but you are made of gold which is imperishable. Why buy gold which is perishable when the gold within you no man can take? Thank you Lord for your anointing.

Saturday, May 08, 2010


The power of thoughts leads one to tremble at some of the negative thoughts one allows to entertain. The negative thoughts influence your whole being and results in disease. Many are unconscious to the thoughts that go on in the background and surface only in times of crisis. These thoughts are just below the surface and keep going on till something provokes them and you become conscious of them. These thoughts come from many sources within and without. The world bombards you with thoughts that stimulate fear and terror. God’S thoughts calm you down. The flesh lusts after the things of the world and distracts you from the real. The flesh loves to live in fantasy and build castles in the air. You know they are just an illusion yet they provide a form of satisfaction. Thoughts are such that they can satisfy whether real or not. You can imagine having sex and it can give you the same gratification or even better then the real. In fantasy you are in control and can satisfy your desires to the max. This is why porn has grown as an industry. It is just fantasy but satisfies the lustful flesh. Check your thoughts and do not let them pollute your soul or all around. The music industry blares out thoughts and so do movies and the media. All this culminate in destruction if it is not countered by positive thoughts of love and peace. The earth trembles and quakes when negativity rises and the atmosphere calms down when positive energy increases. Make sure that you are part of the positive energy in the world to reverse the negativity and chaos in the world.

Friday, May 07, 2010


Black Friday is this day for many will remember this day and fear and tremble at the devastation wreaked on earth by the greed of man. Man’s greed has not only polluted the environment but also his soul. This is the price the world has to pay for greed. The spirit of greed roams the earth and devours the weak and helpless. The greedy rule the earth and consume for their own appetite for more is never satisfied. They grow fat and they will die at their own hands. The inheritance of the wicked will be transferred to the righteous. This is the word of the Lord and He brings judgement on the earth for mans greed. Be separate from them and rejoice in the goodness of the Lord and pray for mercy for the souls of many who will lose heart during this crisis. Pray for mercy that the Lord will save those who are at the brink of suicide because their faith in money has destroyed them. They have lost everything and all they have left is nothing.

Thursday, May 06, 2010


Praise the Lord who leads and guides daily. He is the leader and head of your life. In Him you are free to be. Being led by the Spirit you begin to move and explore new avenues and dimensions. In this realm nothing is impossible for all things are in eternity and eternal realms. Your framework changes from the physical to the spiritual. The spiritual becomes tangible as you tap into its mysteries. You go beyond the confines of your finite mind and body and enlarge into the realm of the unlimited. Your whole being now begins to take off like a huge bird into the realm of unlimited possibilities. This is the realm where God moves and His angels. Nothing is now impossible for God works in the realm of the impossible. You enter this realm and your faith takes off too. Now you breathe the air of heaven and your whole being experiences His presence. It is like new oxygen that vitalises your being. New blood refreshes you and anoints you. You feel His presence, His love and peace. You feel cloaked and protected from the wiles of the world and the devil. This is paradise on earth.

Wednesday, May 05, 2010


Pleasant are the words of the Lord. His word is the source of all strength. His now word is the word that empowers you. His written word is the account of his dealings with man. Learn from His word but look for His now word for action. His now word is for today. Like manna His now word provides you with what you need for now. His now word changes you. Ultimately nothing changes till you change. All change without you is a reflection of change or no change within you. Jesus spoke the now word and the storm was stilled. He spoke the now word and raised the dead. His now word has resurrection power. When you walk in the Spirit then your word is like manna to the soul. In the flesh your word becomes a burden. In the Spirit your burdens are lifted. In the flesh you labour under the burdens of the flesh life. You can choose to walk according to the Spirit or the flesh. Living in the world but not of the world. Living in heaven with feet on earth. Your dwelling place is in heaven but you walk on earth. This is your eternal dwelling place. So whether you are dead or alive your dwelling place does not change in Christ.

Tuesday, May 04, 2010


Blessed is the Lord who causes me to prosper amidst the chaos. This is because He is in the centre of my being. When I shift my focus then I become out of focus. In this state I am prone to attacks. A filter mechanism filters out all that is alien when I am centred in Him. Out of focus I allow viruses to infiltrate my psyche. Here they then assault me and torment me till I get back into focus. The circumstances and pressures may change but He never changes. So when I am centred in Him I never change. I can remain steady in the midst of the storm. Just as Jesus slept in the boat while the tempest raged, so also, I will remain calm and at peace. No money can buy this peace. He is my peace. In Him I rest content amidst the storms of life. Praise God who controls everything as I surrender all to Him.

Monday, May 03, 2010


People will come and go and many more will come and go. Life is like a circle, it appears to go round and round. Yet life has a purpose. What was yesterday may appear to come round again. It is all part of the process. You are not standing still. The earth is moving and everything in it is moving although it appears still. Don’t be taken by appearances for they will change. It is what is within you that are important. What appears is changeable. Therefore never put your trust in appearances. A flower is in full bloom today but tomorrow it has faded and gone. Enjoy the flower today while it is in full bloom. Live life to the full today while you have breath. Tomorrow may never come but if it does then live it to the full. God is alive today and He breathes His breath through you. Let Him lead you and fill you to overflowing. You will then be fresh and live life to the full. Yesterday is just a memory. Tomorrow is like mist which we see faintly. Today is reality as you touch and feel and walk alive.

Saturday, May 01, 2010


God appears to man and man is changed. God moves in mysterious ways unknown to man. You marvel at the things man has achieved but man is only a creation of God. God the Creator has everything on his finger tips and man is just one of His creative acts. When man realises his own frailty he then will come to God for deliverance from his ego mania. Ego mania is the quest to control everything by whatever means. This is a useless endeavor because everything will blow up in a second. When man realises his own demise is near he becomes conscious of another realm. This consciousness is hidden from man because this consciousness will destroy man’s ego. The ego is so selfish that anything that will make it conscious of its own frailty will destroy it. Come to God your Creator and become one with Him. In this alone is true freedom. Everything else is an illusion. An illusion is the false presenting as the real. Many are caught up in this and when the real comes the false disappears. When man touches God he becomes real. All falsehood and pretense disappears and he becomes real to himself and others. So shed all your false gods and come to the real God and be transformed by the power of His presence.