Monday, May 10, 2010


The power to choose is within you. Your choices result in your path to failure or success. In the Spirit you can be sure of success for He leads you according to His plan. He has predestined you for greatness. In Him you are already great. In the flesh you are bound for failure for the flesh ends in death. In the Spirit you are destined for eternal life and this is life without death. Now you are seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus. Let the words of the Bible infiltrate your thoughts and heart till it takes over every other thought. Memorise verses from the Bible that will come to your aid in times of need. If the Bible is true then believe it with all your heart. If not just go your own way and enjoy life for you are going to die some day. Why live a double life. If for God then give all to Him. Total surrender is the only way to live life in the Spirit. Nothing less will do for His Kingdom is not of man. Man chooses what he wants and is limited in his pursuits. God is ultimate perfection and in His Kingdom it is all or nothing. Come now to the river of life in His Spirit and live like a saint.

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