Thursday, May 27, 2010


Above all the troubles that this world faces there is someone who is in charge. He holds the key to all things. In Him all things have their being. In Him all things come together. Without Him all is in chaos. Sometimes it appears as if things will be right but then you find yourself in the same place you started. In Him you will move forward. In Him a day is like ten thousand years. Time is not a measure of success. It goes on forever. Time is only a factor for those who have to face death. Otherwise time is eternal. God does not work within the limitations of time because He is not controlled by it. When you live in Him you too operate with eternity in mind. Death is just a passage to a continuing journey in another realm. There is much peace when you realise that you are just passing through a phase in your eternal journey of life. What you have today is just for today. It won’t suffice for your needs of tomorrow. You don’t know what awaits you tomorrow. You just face tomorrow when it comes by faith as you do today. Your needs will be met by the One who knows everything. He feeds the sparrow and it does not know where its bread will come from. He is everywhere and all things are alive in Him. When you enter the dimension of the eternal you receive new life and new energy and vitality. Your focus shifts from the now to eternity. You live in the now more fully because you know life never ends. You want to live fully for others that others may also come to this realisation and live.

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