Sunday, May 09, 2010


You are a power vessel of the Lord. He lives in you and He is a power house within you. As the anointing grows within you, so also will the power. The power to heal, bless and deliver. His presence within you is your assurance and confidence. Therefore imagine who speaks through you as you open your mouth. No more censorship by the flesh which operates by manipulation and control. Those old programmes have been erased. New programs are being input so that the Holy Spirit can bring to your remembrance the words and the feelings of the new program. He works from within you. When you walk in the light as He is in the light then everything in you and around you will glow in His presence. He is the light of the world and He lives in you. He is alive and He has the power to save. Yes the Lord is risen from the dead and He lives in you. You have hope that never dies. This hope has eternal power as He breathes life to your mortal flesh. His blood cleanses and purifies you. His power burns up all the dross. His fire refines and makes you like solid gold. Men invest in material gold which is perishable but you are made of gold which is imperishable. Why buy gold which is perishable when the gold within you no man can take? Thank you Lord for your anointing.

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