Monday, May 17, 2010


God is in the small things. He speaks to us through the ants and spiders. All creatures large and small are in His circle of love. He created all things. Even the crocodile and lion can be tamed. Since the fall fear became the dominant emotion rather then love. Death entered the scene and the fear of death is the primary fear of all beings. It is to stem this fear that defences are erected. The defence is just a poor solution for the bigger problem, death. Jesus came and died and rose again and therefore conquered death for all. Now those who believe can have the same power over death. They will also rise again from the dead and live like Jesus is seated on the right hand of the Father. This is the destiny of all blood bought children who believe in the finished work of Christ on the Cross. Therefore this is the liberating message that the world needs to hear and believe. You have been called to be a witness through your own testimony of deliverance and salvation. Come Holy Spirit and fire me up for this is my mission for the rest of my journey on earth. There is nothing else I desire more then souls. Give me eyes to see the distress of souls hidden behind defences that blind them to their own fate. Let my life speak loudly of hope that is eternal and transforms lives.

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