Monday, May 03, 2010


People will come and go and many more will come and go. Life is like a circle, it appears to go round and round. Yet life has a purpose. What was yesterday may appear to come round again. It is all part of the process. You are not standing still. The earth is moving and everything in it is moving although it appears still. Don’t be taken by appearances for they will change. It is what is within you that are important. What appears is changeable. Therefore never put your trust in appearances. A flower is in full bloom today but tomorrow it has faded and gone. Enjoy the flower today while it is in full bloom. Live life to the full today while you have breath. Tomorrow may never come but if it does then live it to the full. God is alive today and He breathes His breath through you. Let Him lead you and fill you to overflowing. You will then be fresh and live life to the full. Yesterday is just a memory. Tomorrow is like mist which we see faintly. Today is reality as you touch and feel and walk alive.

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