Saturday, May 22, 2010


God is at work to help you to achieve your goals. Your goals are His goals. He plants His desires into you and you are His instrument in achieving His vision. His message is the same, go into all the world and preach the good news. When you tell of the Saviour and His love, you are spreading His good news to all and sundry. You are part of the great mission to fulfil the great commission Jesus made before He ascended into heaven. His vision will fire you up and His Holy Spirit in you will not allow you to rest till you achieve the mission. You can be rest assured that He will speak through you and give you the master plan. He will bring the people and finances to achieve this mission. This is His work through you rather then your work for Him. All He wants you to be is His vessel. You are a vessel filled with His Spirit to water the world ripe for watering with His word and power. So go now and be empowered to save souls caught in the darkness of this world. You belong to the Kingdom of God and live to destroy the works of darkness. Come Holy Spirit and fire me up for good works for your glory.

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